1. Interested to see your results as the system is slightly different. As part of a lab study in exercise physiology at Brigham Young University we tested the traditional masks among the class mates in a similar fashion. Used vo2 to test initially and then trained a few times a week and 4 and 8 weeks later we retested Vo2 maxes. We didn't find any significant results in difference between the control and variable groups.
    My understanding is that this is due to a misunderstanding of the physiology of the system and the application of the device. The device adds a mechanical pressure to a system that isn't run by mechanical forces. Breathing is accomplished by the change of air pressure created by the contraction of the diaphragm. Adding the mask is almost an attempt to create a progressive overload to the system but the diaphragm is unique in that it isn't a muscle that is going to "put on mass."
    The reason why altitude training works is because it's a chemical response instead of a mechanical pressure. The low oxygen rates in high altitudes causes low oxygen in the blood. This low oxygen saturation triggers a response by interstitial fibroblasts in the kidney's which in turn produce more EPO (Erythropoietin). This cascades in the bone marrow causing a massive uptick in red blood cell creation. Though the mechanical masks attempt to create this situation for the harnessing of the effects they are wholly unable to do so, for two reason.
    1. They can't provide the stimulus long enough or constant enough, When I go from Houston to Denver the stress that causes the increase in EPO and RBCs by hypoxia is 100% 24/7 while I am there.
    2. They are unable to actually produce the chemical state of hypoxia because their mechanism of action is inconsistent with the mechanism that is needed.

    Furthermore this test is self invalidated because you are already so incredibly fit, that it's unlikely you will be able to see any improvement regardless of whatever device you use or training regiment you undergo. You are already at what I and most other's would assume is the peak of human performance. This makes you a bad test subject because even though a 2% increase for you would be amazing, it will have to be discounted because the Vo2 max test will fluctuate that much regardless between tests.

    In addition, I would expect the Vo2 test to be the only reliable test because the other tests will be practiced daily and you have never done them consciously before. You will improve on those test if only because you are training the neurological patterns for them.

    Though I hope that you read this, sadly I have doubts that it will be. Regardless, I am interested to see your results. I've been surprised before and I am wrong often.

  2. I am very curious about your results and will tune in. I have the elevation mask and have not seen a substantiate change in VO2 – or lung capacity. To me the elevation mask was more hype, but maybe my expectations were too high. I felt i could get more (and cheaper) results from a wet towel covering my nose and mouth.

  3. This is like a high tech version of Bas Rutten's O2 Trainer, which I bought years ago. Only used it a few times…felt like training with a snorkel. I still have it and think about using it, but…blah. uncomfortable, lots of spit, and kinda scary. The idea of doing it outside of training with an app to instruct you is intriguing. Definitely looking forward to your results!

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