1. NO he does not deserve another shot at the NFL. He disrespects this country a country where he has freedoms to do what he does. Make millions throwing a ball. Sick of hearing about this rude little boy.

  2. He's a spoiled brat that thumbed his nose at every opportunity that most people only dream of. He needs to just fall off the face of the earth and never be heard from again.

  3. he wants the nfl and roger goodell to stop running and yet the nfl offers and organizes a private workout for him?! How does that make any sense? Geez kap, this is embarrassing & martyrdom at its finest.

  4. I think Collin changed venues because he was unable to "own" the video footage of the workout at the primary location,
    but he could at the secondary location (who knows why — maybe he saw value in selling it to Nike or something). I think he
    learned or concluded this too late and hence the "last minute" aspect of the change. The agreement of the practice location
    and ownership of the video footage rights should have been agreed by both parties long in advance.

  5. Thanks Greenie! You've shown that Colin Kaepernick has no place in the future of the NFL. The guy is a chump! The 49ers are better without him. The NFL is better without him. I we've learned anything here……….. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME ON THE HAS BEEN DIVA!

  6. He reminds me of someone who is….might I say….privileged. Might I also say spoiled. Reminds me of a kid with rich parents who lives in a gated community but yet complains about living in the hood.

  7. Kap is the perfect example of a man that had everything handed to him, and only learned to play victim when things didnt go his way and never take responsibility but blamme his mistakes on others…1st of all he shouldnt had a second chance…but since he did…acting like "the A-side" and that he was making the teams some huge favor for letting them in his workout is not only unprofessional but stupid af…

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