1. Great to see ur still growing all around. Hope u could help me by letting me know how long u rested before ur mudrun n what u ate before it pls. 30 days before mine!!! Either way as always great advice from a great guy. Much love from cali!!!

  2. Calgary barbell does a form check Friday video series that works great! You should consider a fan form check series even if it’s just a one time thing. It’d be great to get input from you and interact with the community!

  3. Hey Scott, newer subscriber here, and quite new to fitness! I noticed you using an underarm grip for the rows at the beginning and wondered if this is better or the same as the traditional overarm? Cheers man!

  4. That was awesome as soon as I saw you had the guy from muscle monsters which I'm also subscribed to I tapped the like button so fast the flash got jealous. Of course it was a Stang baby what else. Good stuff as always and I hope you do more vids with him.

  5. ayyyy those outfits look FIRE on you. haha tell Brandon to stop working out in the morning and workout with the BIG BOYS 😛 (hes entertaining haha, he should be in more videos. its funny when you censor out his swearing lmao)

    question for you, when youre doing bent over barbell rows, is it normal for your biceps to exhaust before your actual back. I feel I can do more reps but my biceps always end up burning so much. I ever switch my grip overhand and underhand. You think I just need to work my upper body a little more, or lighten my weight?

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