1. Most of these guys on the team went to my high school and I know them personally. Really cool to see them on the big screen. I remember back when they were shooting and my varsity team got to watch the pre-screening

  2. the guy was just trying to give the people a hospital (that his mother died with a lack of) give the people more money so they can stop begging for work. their obsession with their land is keeping them in the shadows

  3. Look people! It’s another ‘turn a loser team into winners’ clone! This is nothing but another example on why the film industry is doomed to fail. Everything has been done already and ideas are running out. Why else do you think films these days use action, explosions, high tech FX, violence, adult humour and sexualised content to prop up regurgitate plots? If they didn’t, they’d fail to capture the short attention span of their viewers. It makes me wonder why I even bother looking for videos to watch with so little of it being worth watching.

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