1. My diet is similar …. a variation of the keto diet (Keto is simply a version of low carb pretty much) and intermittent fasting! Works great and I’m 40kg lighter 🙂

  2. Sounds a lot like the diet I was on for years. Helped me stay sharp and focused through some very tough times. I had severe digestive issues so I found that a combination of mostly protein fat and vegetables combined with fasting and eating starch or fruit as kind of desert when I was tanking helped to heal my digestion and give me more energy to work full time manual labor, go to school and body build either in the mornings before work or after.
    I knew that it was not the ideal diet for bodybuilding, but I also knew there would come a time when I would be able to have a more ideal schedule and so I would show up and train even though I knew my calories weren't anywhere near where the should be. My digestive issues had caused me to lose 25 lbs from my high school weight of 170 down to 145 at a height of 6' 1". Through following a bodybuilding diet of 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fat I was able and around 3,000 cals/day I was able to get up to 185 lbs and from 7% BF to 10% BF. However I still suffered from digestive distress and brain fog which almost lost me a third job in a row. It is at this point I decided to try the fasting and break my fasts with protein and fat topped with veggies and starches if I was really hungry. At my job I was doing relatively heavy lifting and walking/jogging 13 miles/day. I dropped 20lbs in the first couple of months to my chagrin, but a year later I was up to 210 lbs with the lower BF than when I was at 185 lbs all while consuming under 1,000 calories/day. I'm not a scientist, or a doctor so I won't say definitively why this happened, but I have my theories from what I have read. All I know is that it happened and that I would train with weights full bodybuilding splits 4 days/week amounting to 24,000 lbs on chest and shoulder day probably more on leg day, but I didn't calculate it. I am not trying to brag here, because frankly there are many who are much better than I, just sharing that It is possible, it comes down to a mindset and a willingness to be uncomfortable. The intensity of your WHY, dictates the intensity of your training. I don't currently do things this extreme, but sometimes I miss those days even though they were hard. Like Mr. Goggins says "I did what was needed". If I could do it as a sickly young man who was barely able to function as an adult many more can follow!

  3. This work for him because he does mostly, if not all, aerobic type exercise. Such as running, high rep weightlifting, endurance, etc. This diet would never work if he was an explosive athlete or a power lifter.

  4. He changes it up. He also works out all fucking day too. For him to lose 106lbs he basically fasted and ate some fruit the whole time.

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