1. Shouldn’t the spine be decompressed anyway, if you’re just getting out of bed? Gravity hasn’t taken its toll on your spin during sleep. I thought we’re about an inch taller first thing in the morning because of this?

  2. Good vid!

    I trust Jeff with all workout routines! I can tell his word is sure, I didn’t even know he had a hernia, I did too and I didn’t want to go to a doctor or pay loads of money to get my “back fixed” i stumbled upon one of his videos on decompressing the spine and the discs, at first I thought it was a joke.. “decompress your spine”? I never heard of it before… but I had no other choice and wanted ANY kind of relief from the pain… I went to the park the next day to try it for myself, thinking it would be just another guy in YouTube trying to give weak advice for view and likes… I went to the the pull up bar and I did it and right after I felt like the pain was lessened by sooo much! Then every other day I decompress and I barely feel the hernia anymore… it’s like my back took a drink of water and is refreshed.. before, I couldn’t even bend over without wanting to scream in pain… the pain shot through my leg so I knew something was messed up… but after watching Jeff I am back to playing basketball and working out properly and moving actually better than before the hernia showed up… thanks Jeff! Keep up the good content!! 👏👏

  3. I love these quick tips videos man.
    Thanks for this.
    Not a day goes by without me doing this routine.
    Often more than once, even throughout the day..to decompress all the sitting by the computer.
    Cheers from Portugal

  4. After installing a pull up bar on my door like half a month ago and decompressing my back a few times a day, it feels much much better, even my posture is better, I rarely feel pain anymore.

  5. I hung from a bar and immediately I felt light headed, vision started going and dizziness. Also I felt 2 big pops in my lower back and pelvis. I immediately let go. 5 minutes later I did it again and the same thing happened, minus the pops.

    Any idea what happened?

  6. Wasn't sure if this was a thing, i was doing this a few years ago but just thought it was null. Guess not. Ive always had a light grip , ill go back and try again.

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