1. Hey you all, my name is Emmanuel F and I'm the person behind this channel and the Alpha Leaders brand here on YouTube and on Instagram. I don't have a team behind me, it's just me producing these videos. With that said I wanted to let you guys know that I'm changing the name of the channel to my own because I want to put a face behind the brand. I hope you all can understand and I will keep making motivational videos to inspire you all. Everything is going to be the same as the channel content and other things, just that the channel will be my name. I hope I could inspire some of you with my past videos and future videos I'm going to produce. Almost close to 50k subs! Thanks for all the support!

  2. Dude honestly no homo but this is why I love this man and why he is a big inspiration to me because of not only this shit that he has been through but the way he conveys it in the way he speaks just moves people this guy in my book I don't know about you guys but to me he truly is a people's champ I used to think that was just a slogan to use back in the WWE days but that is something I believe he really has lived up to honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this guy decided to run for president one day LOL

  3. I did not see nothing motivational here. He is just sharing his personal experience. Pitty all the swearing. I do like this guy and his movies. I have respect for all his hard work.
    Cristiano Ronaldo once said:" Getting up there is the easier part. The hard part is to stay up there and for a long time".

  4. This video keeps coming up as a recommendation and its very annoying. Where on this prescribed path to success is taking steroids?!? Yes a role model that takes steroids is promoting steroids. So next feature 50 cent and how it takes slanging crack to get to the top. Wonderful story, so empowering, I've got my rig ready to go whats next…

  5. Oh bullshit his father was in the damn WWF and he only got successful because of his size. I'm not hating on him I know he worked hard but he had a leg up right out the gate. I'm glad hes using his platform to inspire people but truth be told the guy was born into it and has good genes

  6. Trying to make it the NBA. I've went through hell and back with this dream. Had multiple people tell me if never make it and tons tell me I could. I'll keep fighting until I do. I work every day I go to the Gym for atleast 5-6 hours a day. I have no time for people to tell me I can't do it. I'm 6"2 176 pounds perfect point guard size. I'll never give up. And for anyone reading this don't give up either. Because the day yoy do is the day you will never know if you could have actually made it. Keep working, it's not easy. If it was everyone would do it. I believe in anyone with a dream

  7. I'm depressed as fuck, I got an infection in my mouth which led to surgery, I had to get bone removed which was fine but then they had to take all my top teeth out, I'm 33 years old and I can't afford to even buy dentures. I work but I'm living paycheck to paycheck, so I basically try not to talk, i don't leave my house unless it's work. Fucking hate my life at the moment, hopefully I can turn it around

  8. at the end of the day only jesus can bring real joy in to your heart not the thngs of this world as it says in the good book you know not the time or the day when the lord calls you we all have our cross to bear but remember christ is in heaven with his father beleive that and you have broken satans chain of thought.

  9. I even speak a good English but all the time when i saw this Man he make me feel like I have a reason to move on in my dreams also he's so humble i wish one day meet him some day if God will

  10. Just get out from your home and negetiv thought take a pen and paper and write the plan like joining ckases of computer or song or any you want be in good people always god bless

  11. Been through lots ups and downs as a young man right now am only 23yrs old. there was a point in time were i lost my big sister and felt like the world was coming to an end but the drive of a legendary like the Rock gotta admit has made me have hope and believe more in my self, We all just hafta be (do or dies) cause we ain't gonna live forever let's try to make the most of our moments meaningful and trust in God

  12. This is very helpful. I’m 15 years old and my mother, brother and I are being evicted at the moment. We have no where to go and have no electrical appliances or anything really. We are defined as homeless and the school year is just starting. This motivated me Dwayne, Thankyou.

  13. I hate the background sounds they put in videos like this. There is no music in our reality when its hard so cut the crap. The Rock is a good guy it's the editor of the vid that I am bashing her

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