1. Superset # 1
    Flat bench DB Press
    Seated military press

    Superset #2
    Inclined DB Fly
    Inclined Front Raises with DB

    Superset #3
    Inclined DB Bench
    Standing Lateral Raises

    Finisher –
    Body weight declined pushups

  2. I need help with sagging breasts – do I concentrate on upper chest most? I've been doing flys and noticed dips in the sides of my breasts which is not what I'm going for – advice would be great

  3. Very nice video…most of these exercises aren't really on my radar screen as I tend to just work bench, squat (front, back and overhead), deadlift and cleans and snatches (and of course Bicep curls…haha) but it looks like a fun derivation that I might try just for a change. Regarding warm ups I completely agree with a thorough warmup. If I might list mine, which I stole from a cross fit warmup I was shown way back in the day before cross fit had gained much notoriety. 3 sets as follows: 1.) static lunge on the floor with one knee forward, interlock fingers and reverse stretch over you head…this is a great static shoulder and back/torso/hips/hams stretch, hold for 10 seconds 2.) 10 air squats…I like to do mine with a small pvc pipe in the overhead position, or if no pipe is available I also like to do arms forward with palms fully up like a football defensive back's posture or just arms/hands overhead. 3.) 10 pushups touching chest to the floor with full lock out…I have modified this to include the "Star" tricep pushup for the first set, standard pushup for the 2nd set and wide positioning pushup for the 3rd set. 4.) This exercise is hard to describe and I have never seen anyone else ever do it (except in WWII German youth exercise film clips I found here on YouTube). Stand with feet slightly wider then shoulder width apart, raise hands as high as you can over head, slowly reach out and down (just flowing the normal arc) with the finishing move touching your fingers to the ground as you "sweep" your hands between your legs. Start slow to get the move down and to insure your legs stay very close to locked out. Once you become motorized for this move it should be done very quickly with a rapid sweep of the hands through the legs followed by an immediate return to overhead with your arms/ hands going past your head as the momentum will cause your hips go forward. The exercise should follow the arc the entire time…at first you may either fall forward or not be able to touch the ground but just go slow until you become motorized. When done correctly, this is a tremendous dynamic stretch of the shoulders, upper back, lower back, hips, hams and claves. Do 10 reps 5.) Ab Work…when this routine was originally shown it was just 10 standard sit ups but I have modified to it to be 3 sets of different mat or hanging bar work ab routines at 15 reps each…I won't try to describe them as they are quite varied and involve leg lift regimens we did in The Corps and stuff we used to do in H.S. Football practice and various other ab exercises I have picked up over the years…just make sure the ones you pick out are hard and involve your lower body raising towards your abs and/or your upper body lowering towards your abs. As I said in the intro, do 3 sets and in as fast as succession as you can go. At the end you should feel like you've just been through a pretty damn good exercise regimen, but just relax drink some water and give yourself a few minutes to get reacclimated and then go with whatever workout you have planned. If you can't get thru the "warmup" just lower the sets down to two or even one and move up when you can.

  4. Hi ma'am, liked incline chest & shoulder workout… However i m still confused on shoulder lateral raises.. Here your hands were above the shoulder which is not recommended by most of the people… Pls clarify..

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