1. "Even if you're scared, you're stronger than you know" the lyric fits him so well and brought tears to my eyes as he followed you even though he was scared. Watching his and Wy's journey with you has been so touching. You're amazing. Congratulations 🙂

  2. I’m tearing up! He’s come so far! And I don’t want to think about you selling them when they’re all good and trained. Although you might not sell them, but idk it’s your decision.

  3. It makes my heart burst to see how far you have encouraged Eton to have trust in humans again when every ounce of his soul was saying don't trust those humans they are ALL bad, but you have encouraged him to trust and believe differently 💟 Elisa you have a very special talent.

  4. He is SUCH a good boy and tries so hard. I really hope that whomever he goes to in the end keeps updates on him because goodness I'd love to see what he looks like a few years down the line.

  5. Okay .. BIG ASK ELISA … could you do a video on how you teach your horses to (I guess they call it Spanish walking) but I am a newbie. But our grandson of Seattle slew, Legal Victory is such a lover at 17 hh .. I would love to teach him to step like this. Can you show us a quick video on how you do this ?…

  6. Absolutely love that Eton made it to the show 🥰💖 Elisa knows he has a special heart and his love is growing with her! I hope to see him added to her special family of her stang herd 💕💖

  7. So great, what a great job, we can see that Wyeth and Eton are not at the same level of confidence but they still did a great job and you listen to them so well.
    What a nice performances, it's very cool to follow how you & them evolves from the beginning to the final.

  8. As I said in an earlier video, I don't think he'd have done as well in most other hands. By the way, what's the song and band name? I have a friend who would probably love it.

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