1. Chef Ricardo what about if we can soaked 10 bulbs of garlic overnight in a big glass bottle keep it in the refrigerator and drinking first thing in the morning and add honey if you like.

  2. I drink with glass of pomegranate juice. It is more effective at taking heat from garlic, is less sugar than honey and is good antioxidant. After taste is less garlic than with honey.

  3. Works really well with some fresh lemon juice squeezed or infused with it .. and a good diet and exercise. Been doing it 3 weeks now my beach body is coming back !!

  4. If you drink and eat that, you're going to hate yourself! My grandma always ate a garlic and onion sandwich when she got sick. I decided to try it one time and I was in misery! Made being sick even worse!

  5. If you do the garlic water a night befor with chopped garlic and honey, does it work the same if you just drink the water and don't eat thw garlic? Because I think that the garlic has left all his juice in the water during the nigh!

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