3:48 – Did you use the rotational diet during career, do you advise clients on it? How many days are no-carbs and how many are with carbs?

    6:37 – What other 90's bodybuilders trained like Dorian Yates?

    9:00 – What's the lowest "TE" I can run, and avoid the sides, but still gain?

    10:50 – Had Branch Warren trained with "sanity" and full range of motion – what would have been the difference in his physique?

    12:47 – Does eating large amounts of protein make you go (#1)?

    14:41 – How important is it to eat before bed?

    16:07 – If a client looks their absolute best, but still comes in last, what's the next step?

    18:10 – How would you cut water with only "diuretic foods?"

    19:17 – Will CBD make you "pop a test" at work?

    19:57 – Longest amount of cardio Dave's put a client on?

    20:59 – Can you tell me more about Nectar of Gods?

    22:39 – Running GH – how many days into a show? Water retention concerns.

    23:36 – How do you come back from nerve damage?

    24:54 – For mass gaining – steady and consistent carbs or carb cycling?

    25:29 – Why do so many bodybuilders eat white bread nowadays?

    26:48 – Why are competitors legs not up to par (with upper bodies) these days?

    27:31 – Injectable L-carnitine for weight loss.

    28:50 – Balancing becoming a parent with the bodybuilding lifestyle?

  2. Thank you so much for answering my question about nerve damage Dave! Unfortunately it's been about a year and I'm still trying very hard to reestablish the mind muscle link.

  3. Syd be sure to let is know which hotel you are booking your res at in case we are hanging out in the lobby we can keep an eye out for you to say hi.

  4. The opening credits talk about the expo and “celebrities”. No one in fucking bodybuilding a celebrity in the US. Maybe in the other countries. Bodybuilding is a taboo. We are seen as obsessive weirdos that take all these kinds of steroids which some do and some don’t, and wear these little ass thongs to exhibit our bodies. Bodybuilding will never be mainstream unfortunately.

  5. Thank you for answering my question Dave couldn't believe it haha my fav AskDave ever. the 400mg was masteron e btw, i will try 150mg a week with 20mg ED of Mk677, 600mg test e, 400 mast e and let you know if the sides are any different to my usual Test/Mast E cycle

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