1. Can someone recommend how many rep or how many seconds each exercise should be attempted. My biggest set back with at home workouts is knowing how much I should be doing per session?

  2. Do pistols cause you meniscus pain? I love your material. I have difficulty with heavy loads (such as barbells) after my injuries in the Army. I found your channel and love it. I’ll be incorporating this in my routines.

    Thanks again for all this. I let them ads play. 😉

  3. Actually really enjoyed this video. These are all great lifts. I did ring dips and the ball grip pull ups with a friend in Detroit and my upper body was wrecked for a bit

  4. I would love to see someone with a high level of fitness like you, construct a path for someone who's been a total couch potato. The 40 year old who's completely deconditioned, overweight and doesn't know where to start. I completely understand this video (and most of your videos) are geared toward a person with a much more advanced level of fitness. But it would be great to see what you'd have to offer to someone who's really deconditioned.

  5. @Strength Side great video, man. It's good to see someone else pointing out proper form and technique cues (pulling shoulder blades down, elbows back, etc). Informative and effective 👏👏

  6. What about for the abs and the chest? That was the only areas you didn't address here. I know that dips to a minor extent allow for some chest development, but you should've also mentioned push-ups for the chest and maybe hanging leg raises for the abs.

  7. The thing i love about calistehtics is you can use any object as a tool for working out. I go to the nature trails and run a few miles get the blood pumping then hit a nice set of push ups dips and pull ups/chin ups. I use benches stairs trailers frames to the park overhangs. Anything can be used to hit a nice workout.

  8. I had herniated disc at L5 . It took me over 6 months to recover . I have been doing your daily practice and shoulder and core program for a month now and have noticed that my mobility, flexibility and strength have improved . Your videos and instructions are great . Keep the videos coming . Thanks for gift of health.

  9. It's a good workout and of course you are a very fit guy. At one time I could see myself doing that workout. I'm probably about a year of training and 40lbs from even attempting that a this point lol.

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