1. Full Body vs Bro Split analysis:

    1.) Dexa Scan Showed increased muscle mass and lowered Body fat Percentage with FB training.
    2.) Testosterone levels (taken at doctors office) was 38% higher (after three months of training this way but having the same exact diet).
    3.) I was able to increase frequency as I could workout my muscle groups one more time per week than with the bro split of two times per week.
    4.) More time in my life with only going to the gym 3 days a week now.
    5.) Progressed much faster in not only my weight on my lifts but my physique improved much faster

    Negatives of FB training:
    1.) You have to be in the gym for at least 1.5-2 hours to complete the training
    2.) Endurance is difficult when first starting
    3.) Must consume more calories during these days (might be a positive for foodies)

    Overall I decided to adhere to FB training for life now. I feel like I've doubled the speed in more progress.

  2. For my current goals i dont see much point in full body. Im not trying to look like arnold but all of my training (besides cardio) is focused on building strength so lower reps with higher wheights, i do a push, pull, legs, rest split at the moment and i prefer that because it gives certain muscle groups eg. Biceps, back, traps (pull) a good time to rest and a full session can be focused on then to get the max work out of the muscles, i think full body doesnt let you tear perticular muscle groups enough to give good strength gains, especially with the tine that ive got

  3. Bro Splits > ALL

    1)Chest and Bíceps ( chin ups)
    3)Cardio + Abs
    4)Shoulder and Triceps ( dips )
    5)Back + Deadlifts
    6)Cardio + Abs

    Each day starts with a heavy compound movemente

    Bench, Squats, OHP, T Bar Rows

  4. Hi guys i just subscribed to your channel ! AWESOME IS ALL I CAN SAY! You guys nail down the truth in a fun and joyful way. I have always liked all body workouts and i'm going to give this one a shot . thanks guys!! Also i cant wait to try the egg omelette pizza lol

  5. Or you could look like reg parks ( arnies idol) Leroy colbert, Steve Reeves, Vince Gironda and other greats of the silver era if you do a fullbody workout they was very asthectic which is much better than todays bubblegut bodybuilders respectively

  6. Glad you guys didn’t get too much crap about the “blackface.” Outrage culture can’t become history fast enough. I’d say it’s probably important to incorporate both in your workout routine depending on your personal goals.

  7. I looked you do bit resurch should only be doing 4 to 8 reps max for power or hyperdaphy response to muscles perk of full body is it multiple muscles working at once and it foundation isolation good way to kind of stablize but they really are not so needed if your progression great 3×10 thing of past more endurance based if going over 9 reps to 15 can be damaging to gains

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