1. Many people want to reduce their weight to have a healthy life. You are also may be a beginner or an exercising person in a gym. If your workout doesn't breakout enough fat or build muscles you have to check it again. You may be unable to get them due to many mistakes happening from you while doing your exercise program. After correcting them you can have the results you want.

  2. Idk how u do it girl, i barely made it to the gym early morning before work it was great but after that never went back i feel guilty and upset for not going back like my lack of energy, cozy warm bed and laziness is dominating me i need help getting a routine. I watched several of ur videos of morning/gym rountines that inspired me hopefully we will see.

  3. This is actually helpful. I’m going to the gym soon to start training and begin preparing for a WWE tryout. (I’m 18, won’t try out until I’m
    19 or 20) but this was a great video to help start at the gym. Thanks for this. 🙌

  4. Renee, love your refreshing videos, excellent job! I'm a similar body type as you (Vata constitution according to Ayurveda so moderate exercise is good for our body type). You seem to know a lot of moves to do a routine without going to class or using a trainer. Kudos to you for designing your own weight/resistance training moves – if it were up to me, I would've stopped at 20 ab crunches, lol! I'm curious whether you do check in with a trainer or someone like that to get feedback and encourage you to increase your repetitions?

  5. Haha this will sound weird but I love going to the gym but i feel weird using the machines with everyone around because I look like I’m 12 . (I’m actually 17)

  6. Hi have just started the gym just 8 weeks ago in my home doing free weights I would love if people could check out my Instagram billy.lawrence22 check my progress what I’ve went from to now and till the long way to go and would love for people to see my journey

  7. Hey Renee! You’re so motivating! Tomorrow is my first day back at gym in two weeks and I needed some motivation and stumbled across this video, I really love your personality and I can’t wait to watch more of your videos, I miss doing yoga, my gym’s classes don’t work well with my work schedule but if you have any YouTube gurus that you wouldn’t mind sharing that would be lovely, also i must buy that running belt!

  8. You remind me so much of that girl from the Jonas Brother series LA, Jo’s girl friend that does the zombie movie with him 😂😂 respect to anyone who knows who I’m talking about

  9. Before this, all the gyms i joint in the past, on the first day the on of the trainers will measure our height, weight and BMI. We have a member biodata card about their health details. Then, they will take us to every machine to demonstrate on how the all the machines function and how are we suppose to workout on them. Some gyms had a 3 months contest to see how much weight we lose. First they take a picture, after the 3 months, they take another picture of their customers. They pin up the pictures on the boards to motivate others too. We are a given a small towel too for very visit. A bigger towel if want to use the steam room. All these happened in Clark Hatch Fitness just for rm90 per month. The best fitness i have ever been.

  10. For those who have gym anxiety: I had it like 2 days ago before going to the gym for the first time and when I went in for the first time I honestly loved it and don't worry if your anxious about looks , everyones minding their own business trying to reach their goal just like you , I recommend bringing a buddy at least for the first time because you may be confused on what to do and how to do it. Ive been going alot recently and honestly it exciting and has made me like working out

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