1. How do people run like this and not mess up the knees. I can't even hike down a trial let alone run down without pain. Wish my joints were not so bad because running through trails like this seems so serene.

  2. Twenty six miles is plenty, once you go over to the fifty, hundred territory, that goes more toward a very personal goal / obsession, but also shrink the competiré field dramatically, majority of top runners in the world at any distance under 26 miles would never participate in that since it changes their technique, pace and just overall their bodies completely. In that sense, ultra is like curling and all those winter sports we never watch except once four years populated by the same niche group

  3. So im 15 and i ran my first marathon at 14, i didnt get any injuries from doing it but i have been told that running marathons at a young age is unhealthy i was hoping to run another one this summer whats your opinion on this?

  4. When Utra Running becomes an Olympic sport…I can see her as a possible coach for the ladies. Seems like quailty based…quanity gets her there. Enjoyed the video…her views.

  5. I'm really impressed by you holding a camera, the speed and talking at the same time but it's not very enjoyable to hear (for me.) I got really impatient trying to get to the end of the questions. Maybe you could've held the camera and the other woman could've asked the questions? or vice versa

  6. Lake Sonoma 50 is the premier 50 mile race in the US. It is one of the Golden Ticket races for entry into the Western States 100 (the most famous & oldest 100 miler).

    Golden tickets are given to the top 2 women & top 2 men. YiOu has won the race previously (twice I believe).

    Lake Sonoma may not be Mountainous but it is a very hard course. Ton of short steep hills, almost constantly throughout the course. It amounts to close to 11,000 feet of climbing over the 50 miles. Not to mention if it rains prior to or during the race, the single track becomes a mud fest.

    Lake Sonoma is to the west of California Highway 101, an hour or so directly north of San Francisco, right smack bang in the middle of Wine Country. It is a beautiful course and well worth a visit.

  7. Best video I’ve seen on you tube for a long time, incredible filming coach Nat, wow hard to beat scenery😀 I like that YioU Wang said don’t stick to one type of running races learn to enjoy a variety road, flat hills, trail mountains, top interview, thanks✌️🏃🏼‍♂️🤔😀✅🐆🐈

  8. This is the best one yet and very refreshing view of a champion runner. It was very inspiring and away from all the drills, training and technical stuffs. Love it !! Epic !!!

  9. I don't know who I am more impressed by: YiOu Wang for her super cool breathing at that pace or Nate and Morgan for keeping up (and kudos to Nate for filming, interviewing and keeping along all at once. How did you keep the camera angle straight?).

  10. I guess one of the reasons why I would lime to know the pace is watching the coaches , and they say easy run, and I understand conversation pace, that for me (not a good runner) is on the lines of 10:30 miles. She seems to be absolutely cruising.

  11. Ok. I dont think my comment posted and it was super long.
    Summarizing, this was awesome! I feel so motivated right now. Thanks for filming and thanks to her for taking this superong interview. This was so fun to watch

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