1. I have been working with a personal trainer for 2 months,and have noticed building my pectoral muscles has made my boobs look alot better! I have lost damn near a cup size from weight loss but the muscle gain makes it less noticable from the front at least 😏
    glad to see another woman discuss this topic! <3

  2. I have been lifting weights for a year and half now. I've made a significant progress with my weights and form. However, I still struggle with basic push-ups! I can barely do 3 reps! What shall I do? 😔

  3. You're so cute. Congrats on your Special K promo. It's been on my feed all day & I was like, Wait that looks like Megsquats! LOL I wonder if it appears on all youtubers' feeds or just the ones who subscribe to your channel?

  4. Everyone claims that benching makes your actual titties (like the breast tissue) smaller but your chest circumference larger and I am anxiously waiting for that cause I am an H-cup and sooo fucking OVER IT. If I could donate some boob to other girls I so would.

  5. How to grow ur boobs naturally

    *◇*Everyday after you shower, take some lotion and massage you boobs for 10-15 min
    This is gonna sound rlly weird but.. when you're done massaging, slap ur right boob with ur left hand..and then ur left boob with ur right hand. Do that for 5 min

    Do this everyday and you should notice resluts in a month! GL

  6. Try this: Go to a wide stance plank, go down as if you are doing a press up, and just hold for 30 breaths (about a minute). I DARE YOU. 😉

    + Girls shouldn't avoid upper body workout cause it helps her boobies look bigger! That is just fucked up.

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