1. Busy Mom life, Tasha I feel you. I’m on a health and fitness journey as well. I also homeschool our 4 teenage daughter’s. I feel like all my time goes to the fam and I have none for myself. I just want to say your doing amazing. Although you may be tired you care enough to make sure that you and your family are taken care of 👏🏾 I appreciate your vid’s because it reminds me that I’m not doing this alone 🥰❤️

  2. Loved it 🙂 I’m whole food plant based and it was the way I found to get myself to a healthy weight WITHOUT restricting or even thinking about it! Don’t focus so much on the number on the scale but also on how you feel and look because we know our body right? I don’t do protein powders and really base my eating on whole foods. Usually lunch/dinner is rice with veggies or potatoes with veggies, also soups are great for these freezing cold weather! You’ll do great!

  3. Thanks for sharing your day with us Tash! Recipes are always nice! <3 Your twins are getting so big so fast! That intro made me cry from how sweet it was. Have a lovely day ahead!

  4. Loved it! Thank you and "Yes!" to sharing anything you can 🙂 SAHM and homeschooler too. What's worked for me is having a routine and trying to stay consistent everyday. I have a routine for everything! Laundry, chores, homeschool, workout, meal planning (and everything that involves). It was tough the first couple of days but once I got the ball rolling, most days run smooth. The older my kids have gotten the easier things have run. Hang in there. You are doing amazing <3

  5. I loved the video and would love more fitness diary’s. It’s awesome that you and your husband are trying to put your health first. If you have time you should check out Lilikoi Hawaii on YouTube, she eats almost fully whole plant foods and has lots of good advice. I am trying really hard myself to look after my health more as well so this is encouraging to watch. ❤️

  6. I’m trying to limit mock meats as well. Have you tried soy curls? They’re pretty tasty, quick and made just with whole soy. ( perfect for the air fryer also 😉).

  7. Love the fitness/what I eat combined videos. Full recipe for that rice and beans, please!
    Also I'm sure you know but a friendly reminder to take care of yourself, too! I have 2 kids and a husband so the getting sucked in thing starts to consume me and I have to be constantly reminded to do a lil somethin' somethin' for myself every once in a while. Thanks for uploading for us!

  8. Ugh I can’t say enough how much I love your like DITL vlogs. Please keep the fitness diaries coming & I very much appreciate when you say the things you’re NOT perfect at & want to work on. I also appreciate the workout parts bc I like workouts like yours & your music as opposed to yoga, for example. Keep the authenticity flowing! I love the vibe of your channel, keeping it real about running round doing 1,000 things at once, rice on the floor, scraps on the counter lol! 🖤

  9. I love all your videos! Especially food for the kiddos… I have such a picky eater. My youngest of 4 kids basically lives on soy yogurt, PB no jelly sandwiches, bolthouse farms green goodness juice, oatmeal and apples.

  10. Loved this. I'm a mother too, and I've been slacking on food and exercise for 3 years cries inside You're a big motivation! Also, could you do a video showing us all your pretty jars? oats, flour, sugar, etc. I think they are cute and would love to see them.

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