1. I spent about 12 hours editing this video to make it super fun and exciting to watch. I really hope you guys enjoy it and know that this is just the beginning of how high I plan on raising the bar for my content in 2020!

    GUARANTEED GAINS "FREE PROGRAM DOWNLOAD" – https://muscularstrength.com/guaranteed_gains_sign_up_FREE

    Tom Ellis “Lucifer” Workout DISASTER! | MEN’S HEALTH SHOULD KNOW BETTER!

    Immortals Workout
    Meal Plan – https://www.coachmag.co.uk/exercises/celebrity-workouts/2020/eat-star-immortals
    Workout – https://www.coachmag.co.uk/exercises/celebrity-workouts/2036/get-body-immortals-star-henry-cavill

    Superman Workout

  2. Been following your channel over 10 years, at a stage where I'm finally happy with my training and gradual progression but still love the content you provide, especially stuff like this. Cheers Scott.

  3. Hey Scott why don`t you try to invite those SUPERSTARS in your studio for an interview? That will probably increase your subscribe members but it will let those guys gives their toughts about their work out. I like your videos and also I train with your programs… Keep on the good work !

  4. its "Garrre-Alt", I highly recommend playing Witcher 3, best game of all time imo. Ever thought of making posterior and anterior chain workouts? it would be cool to see what you would recommend to someone who would like to train like him. cool video by the way! keep em coming!

  5. Great video sir. I am a fan of Cavill and Witcher, so I was excited for the series, but this gave me a new understanding and huge appreciation for everything that goes into Cavill doing what he does on camera. Even more excited for the show now lol.

  6. "I don't know if you guys have ever swung a REAL sword before, but they're not light"
    And how exactly would you know?! Especially if YOU have never handled an actual, functional sword?!?

    FYI: most 2-handed swords (bastard swords, longswords, katanas, etc) are just about over 1kg in weight.

  7. Cavill is swinging a Prop sword.Prop swords are light.Real European swords are heavy and they were designed that way to slice through body armor.To do those fight scenes,the sword has/is to be light for those sequences.Real sword fighting,no matter what movies show you,basically happens in 3 moves.

  8. Great video (apart from the waffle at the beginning) of course he’s natural. Certainly can gain muscle at any age. I’m a level 4 PT and even now I’m gaining. It’s all about eating the right things and mixing up training. Simple

  9. Sorry to hear about your cat. Hope everything is okay. Crazy bad luck. My cat fell out of the third story window onto a patio once and while she limped for 2 days, she checked out fine.

  10. Well. Scott, I have a question. I'm almost 17 years old. I have pretty good physique. And I can perform almost all the exercises with good form. But recently I am worrying about the fact that I still have the age to grow. So if I do deadlifts and squats, can that have effect on my potential height?🙄

  11. Easily be done naturally? Lol get real dude. Why would it be done naturally when you can do it 10x faster on gear and be well beyond what is possible or at the extreme range of possible naturally.

  12. Hey Scott I just got the guaranteed Gaines program but I'm a little confused the workout calls for (above the knee rack pulls) but shows power shrugs and also calls for (chest dips and upright rows) but shows cable flys and face pulls. Which ones should I go with?

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