1. I am a 56yr old male and have a squat rack, barbells,dumbells,preacher curl bench and ez curl bar. I was able to do this at home np. i have found your videos to be informational and helpful in my quest to get in better shape.Q: what cable system is recommended for home use most functional trainers are big bulky and expensive.

  2. I actually followed his exercises but I had to get rid of some of the drop sets. Even so my biceps almost died during the preacher curls hold. Couldn’t do pull-ups probably for a few days. Not really worth it if your life doesn’t depend on bodybuilding.

  3. Want huge biceps? Try this routine. One of the two different ones I use. I will also incorporate intensity techniques every once in a while.

    Db hammer curls 3 sets 8-12
    Db spider curls 3 sets 8-15
    Straight bar cable curls 3 sets 8-12

    Your biceps will be screaming after this one!!

  4. Wow! That's a lot of volume, I see this a lot these days.
    I prefer some compound back movements and then just follow up with a couple of isolations for just a couple of sets

  5. Hmm… 26 sets for one muscle group in one workout, with just about all of the 6 exercises using double drop sets on top of that. Doing this twice per week – that's 52 sets, and its all on top of your other training where your biceps are going to be used a good bit, e.g. when training your back with pulling exercises. Yeeeeeh… I'm not so sure about that. I know this channel loves to put out crazy "workouts" with insane volume and I myself usually like to go for a lot higher volume than the average person but this is a bit silly. By the time you'd get to the end of the 4th exercise your biceps are going to be exhausted and the last 2 exercises will likely be done with such bad form or such small weight that its hardly worth it. The only way this would be a good workout is if you reduce the sets from 4 to 3 per excercise and maybe remove one excercise, or you go lower in weight and don't push yourself to failure every time which is bad OR you spend 3-5 minutes resting between each set to recover which means your workout is going to take several hours….

  6. Keep in mind on those hammer curls if you’re not used to doing a heavy weight for failure you can injure your forearms. I see a lot of training videos that do not mention this and 90% of the people wind up injuring their forearms. Just keep it in mind and have fun 😀

  7. Standing barbell curl : 4 sets x 10 reps (double dropset)
    Standing alternating biceps curl: 4 sets x 12 reps (single dropset)
    EZ-bar preacher curl: 4 sets x 12reps (2 second isometric hold at the top)
    Incline biceps curl: 4 sets x 12 reps

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