1. This workout (and 5 other GCN Real Time Training Sessions) is available now in The Sufferfest app. Connect your devices and train to personalised 4DP power targets, cadence, and heart rate. Check out the details at thesuf.com/SUFGCN and start your 14-day free trial.

  2. Someone help me out here. I go 30 seconds of full sprint and then 3 minutes of proper rest? What is Effort Level 2? It looks like it was maybe 50% of FTP or so. If this is the case, I think this session is too long and has quite a low level of intensity. The two in the video are much better/ stronger cyclists than I am, and are about twice as exhausted. I apparently don’t get this.

  3. what happened to some of the videos in the playlist.. 2 of them were removed or marked as private.. somebody knows? the playlist is good.. but with those 2 extra workouts is great..

  4. Great vid. Would it be possible to move the mic away from your mouths for future vids, please? Like the guys in the old training videos used to do to minimise breathing sounds down the mic.

  5. I really love the GCN spin sessions and the newest videos have my favourite structures. The sound on these new videos is just unbearable though. The sound of heavy breathing in a microphone is really distracting. Especially when you're wearing earphones. Really cannot handle it!

  6. Great, quick workout thanks, much like Si’s old ‘Fat Blast Fast’ but fresher and quicker with only 5 visits to the pain-cave!…….don’t let James count though!….thank goodness he wasn’t launching space missions!, they’d have been in orbit by the time he said ‘lift off’!……😳😱

  7. If it is really MAX effort then you can NOT comment anything during last 10 seconds. For James it would be definitelly +1000 Watts and such 30 secs can almost kill you 🙂 Definitely not able to talk about anything during interval and minute later… Please next time show % of FTP it should be.

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