1. What more can be said about that climb? Without a doubt the single greatest athletic achievement of all time. The man is a freak of a nature.

  2. Alex, what you are searching for doesn't reveal itself in what you do, it is hidden in who you are. It was created even before you were born. I hope you find it soon.

  3. He.s a a man with no a appreciation of life.
    I know Because I’ve have been there.
    The only good climber is a living climber!
    Just saying take good care.
    People can die and there is nothing after that!
    Just pain.
    Don’t follow this ######!
    Everyone who does do some serious rethinking of your life!
    Life is precious! This is a lie!
    I ve been there ! It’s NOT worth it!

  4. He did a great job of hiding his enormous balls while on stage. They must’ve used a combination of lighting, camera angles, and maybe a pair of trick pants to conceal what have to be the most gigantic balls ever known.
    I was nervous just from the pictures they showed. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what that was like.

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