1. Aw Thankyou for sharing you testimony about the loss of your brother. I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my brother 11 years ago but It will always affect me. The grief never goes away but it does become manageable over time. I had a mental breakdown and starved myself down to 112 lbs. after he passed. I have bipolar so it landed me in the hospital because I was so grief stricken. My brother and I were very close. We were also only 18 months apart. I also have had binge eating disorder. I gained 30 lbs. back in October of last year. I was already 30 lbs.overweight so this was very disappointing. It happened to be a side affect of a bad bipolar medication. Congrats on your weightloss and good luck on your journey losing weight. I have lost 32lbs since July because I went back to being a vegan. When I was 112 lbs. I was a vegan. As long as you watch the carbs and portions it works but that goes for any diet. The water is a great idea and fills up your stomach. I have lost 41 lbs. since March.

  2. I love this!!! It really saved me~I would love to see more! I have watched your food prep videos in the past, but losing weight in the summer is always a must for me! TY!

  3. Thank you so much for this video! Yes, more videos would be awesome! Congratulations on losing 10 lbs! That’s awesome! 👏👏👏👏👏😃

    I’m sorry for the loss of your brother! I know that’s something there are no words for to make it better. Jesus and prayer is all we have. 🙌 I’ve lost my mom to cancer which was my best friend and my dad’s health is failing in a fast way and I’m not sure how long he has and I’m living with him now taking care of him.

    I lost my 2 girl 1st cousins within the last 6 months. One passed away suddenly last Sept bc her appendix burst from an infection and she was only 35. My other girl cousin passed away in April from complications of kidney disease and other health problems and was in her 50’s.

    I lost a boy cousin 2 weeks ago, from an overdose. He was in his 40’s. I grew up with all of them and was around them all my life. Some of them more than others and they were like my brothers and sisters.

    I didn’t want to make this about me at all, I just wanted to say I’ve not lost a sibling, but I have had a lot of loss and I know there are just no words but you will be in my prayers!

  4. You look fabulous!!! Your skin is glowing!!! Sorry for your loss!!! I lost my brother, 5 years ago, he was 20 years old. It's very hard. Its so awesome to have faith, prayer & be able to be open and talk about it!!! You're doing awesome. Very sound & solid tips!!! Tyfs! I hate when ppl post fad diets like take this $200 supplement, wave a wand, stand on your head, bounce up & down & poof !!!! Jk! But, seriously, great advice, health 1st.😘💜

  5. Hi Natalie! Tysm for the video. I was diagnosed with diabetes back in October and was freaked out so I immediately cut out carbs and sugars. Today I'm almost 60lbs lighter. Went from a size 22 to a size 10 and my energy level is so much better. I do drink alot of coffee but i use sugar substitutes instead of sugar. I no longer drink soft drinks or eat any kind of carbs or fried foods. Ibeither broil or bake my meats. Alot of fish and boiled veggies. And of course as u mentioned lots of water.
    Good luck to everyone on ur journeys!!
    By the way because of my diet changes my diabetes is completely under control now!!

  6. Congrats Natalie on your weight lost. Thanks for doing these videos. Glad to hear the Lord carried you through when your brother passed. He continues to give you strength for your videos and weight loss. It's not always easy, but give us peace, joy, when we need it the most. Glad Rachel was there for you. We need that special someone to help us, even when we have the Lord. You're amazing Natalie, strong, loving & caring. Thanks for all you do, my friend. Stay strong.🙏

  7. You have a heart of 💛.
    Thank you for sharing your experience thus far.
    I think we all benefit from being mindful of our health practices.
    Improving my dietary choices, movement, and most of all for me, spiritual growth.
    Don't let anyone quell your enthusiasm.
    You bring positivity, and vigor to your viewers on this channel.
    Blessings to you and yours 🙏.

  8. Thank you for sharing. Your skin looks great and I see now that is from the water you've been drinking. I do not see where you would need to loose another 20 lbs. Thanks for sharing your tips and I am going to start implementing this in my everyday lifestyle!!

  9. Celery juicing is amazing!!! Juicing is how I lost 10lbs in a week because once I started, it’s literally all I craved. Each day I implemented more veggies and threw a few fruits in there for sweetness. I have to admit, it was kind of expensive but I tried to eat what was in season, which made it a tad cheaper.

  10. Last year I was 220lbs/ 60 lbs over weight. In approx 6 mths, I lost 70 lbs using the 80/20 weight loss rule with little to no exercise. 80% you eat clean and 20% you indulge in anything you want but of course 100% in small, minimal portions. And I only drank water, no sugary drinks.The 80/20 rule can be applied daily or 80% weekdays & 20% weekends doing this weekly. For me, I did this daily. In a day, I had for 3 meals and a snack. I chose which of the 4 I was going to choose as an indulge meal. For example, I would eat breakfast, lunch, and the snack as eating healthy in small minimal portions. And my dinner I was going to indulge in eating a pizza or a hamburger etc. But also knowing how to eat your indulge meal in a healthier way. So if I ate a hamburger, I would order it well done to remove the grease and no cheese. Everyday I would change the order my indulge meal. So if today I was going to indulge for dinner, tomorrow my indulge was going to be my lunch etc. Last but not least, DO NOT eat after 7 pm. Your body needs time to digest the food before you head to bed!!

  11. Is 24oz of coffee ok if it's straight black, no cream or sugar? Here's a prediction, ugh… Hungrier Americans due to higher food prices precipitated by a 400 year sun cycle. Decreased energy output from the sun, causing a shift in the jet stream, cooling the earth, shortening the growing season, causing wild weather, more rain, increasing volcanic and earthquake activity. This Solar minimum will overshadow ALL human caused "warming" factors.
    If I'm wrong about this, in 5 years I will make a video from my Mom's basement and eat a pound of boiled okra and chicken livers—— Live!!!! Bless you and thank you for your videos!!

  12. I am on week 3 to lose 40 pounds. So far, I have lost 7. I have done most of what you have suggested, although I have not cut sugar or fat out completely. I am going more for a lifestyle different way of eating. I like the tip about water. I have cut out all beverages, but coffee and water (can't give up the coffee), but I think I need to up my water. Thanks for sharing your tips.

  13. I'm so sorry for the loss of your brother. I will keep you in my thoughts & prayers. 🙏🙏 YES I would love so more weight loss videos!!!! Thank you!!!👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💗🙂

  14. Very interested. Thanks for everything you do. I lost 32 lbs a few years ago in 10 weeks. Low carb is good if done right. Also you cant go back to your old way of eating because it def comes back. Good luck!!

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