1. Hello Matt, i've been watching you for a couple of years now. I found difficult for a USA soccer player to play soccer, living in a country where Football is the national sport. Here in Greece our national sport is SOCCER. We are born with soccer and live with it, live in it. I remember myself 3 years old to kick the ball. I am impressed with all the hard work, will and determination you've been putting all these years. If i had the same work ethics when i was younger, i' have been playing in the first league now. Hard work counts, but (personal opinion) it counts only when you have talent by nature. In simple words a hard working soccer player can reach 6-7 out f 10. A talented soccer player can reach 7 by simple be in the field without hard work, and 9-10 by putting the least amount of work. So talent and physical attributes (body power, stamina, height) counts in soccer. Then comes work to inhance all these things. In the specific match you had no help from the center mids, so you need NOT to loose the ball. By keeping the ball and gain a foul, or by kicking the ball towards the side line. The other team found your weak spot which is pressure high front. The only way you can deal with pressure is talent. Talent and genius not to loose the ball by the entire team.

  2. Your team has horrible mid field. They aren't even trying to help you or show for the ball. If they would have come for the ball you wouldn't have made nearly as many mistakes.

  3. Great content man. I played 3rd division myself in Mexico but I just didn't have the discipline to make it further. Having 2 retired 1st division players in the family was a priviliege but big pressure also, but I can definitely confirm from them that the most important skill to make it big is discipline. You will get better over time eventually, but the most important things are being disciplined, commited and of course FIT, which you seem to be covering. Good luck with your journey and keep updating us!

    Btw, those CM's in your team were really screwing you up not being open to pass most of the time. I also played LB and LMF I can really identify being presurred against the line with almost no passing options. Good recovery on second half though.

  4. great job mentoring yourself throughout the game, especially on the first 30mins! picking yourself up before halftime means you go into the dugout with more confidence, and that usually translates into an excellent second half.

  5. Are there equivalents to this channel in other sports? From USA, Canada or abroad elsewhere? Any language as well, for example, a French person trying to play or currently playing pro in any sport.

  6. Amazing video , I think some people underestimate the importance and impact having a positive and strong mental attitude Can have over you inside those 90mins …. I will do this a lot more whenever I’m not playing to my potential 👌💪

  7. I am just thinking because you have loads of video analysis, every winger who gonna play you next could have just watched this can try to find your weaknesses. You essentially let your opposition's coaching staffs having less analysis work to do. But regardless that still is a good attitude that you are not afraid of exposing your weakness and essentially push yourself to be a better player

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