1. I really wish I had locate the “Yamzοkο Weebly” (Google it) years ago. For 15 days of pursuing the plans, I lose TWELVE pounds There is certainly still need of physical exercises even just a couple of times weekly as well as the meals to nibble on must be right. The end result shown to me is wonderful. Undeniably, this is highly recommended and I do hope this would give good results to you too as it did to me. .

  2. My anticipation to take “Yamzοkο Weebly” (Google it) fat loss program is at all time high. My diet plan and my consistency of several work outs wasn`t altered and also change. Over a period of 30 days, I shed about 6 lbs. The method has allow me to ate lesser and getting full is a lot quicker. .

  3. I actually could not wait to take the weight loss program “Yamzοkο Weebly” (Google it). I was seriously thrilled. My buddy lost 10 pounds following this unique weight loss plan, I absolutely advise you search Google to uncover how. .

  4. Eat probably along with Hiit, but do NOT starve yourself. The less you eat the more your body will try to store everything and you won't have nutrients to actually build muscle.

    Eat properly, maybe 1500 kcl a day. More depending on how much you train, and stay away from processed food and sugar.

    I know it's hard. But try sugar free alternatives if you ever feel a craving. Also don't go too crazy. Eating a little bit of sugar a week isn't gonna kill your training. Just remember, it's completely useless empty calories.

  5. Elite marathon runner = "very low intensity, "comfortable speed". Marathob runners run 12.7 mph for 2 solid hours, you can't do that so STFU. You are a VERY stupid man to say these 2 phrases out loud and over the interweb? You lack intelligence right out of the gate.

  6. Great video, I do swimming as my main exercise. Would you recommend 50m all I can give a great hiit exercise and doing it 3 – 4 times per week. I have always found IF works really well for me.

  7. How many elite marathoners do you know that are overweight and carry much belly fat? Marathon (and most distance running) training is hard, not low intensity by any stretch of the imagination. Most people can handle the HIIT workouts shown here. Try running 120+ miles per week, about half of which is done at high intensity in shorter intervals, some as short as 15-30 second repeats. They incorporate HIIT workouts as part of their overall training regimen naturally. The other cardio training they do will leave most people far, far behind.

  8. yea if ur fasting for 16-20 hours and then try to do high intensity excersise withought eating and especially if u get a fat burner before the least ur gone get is nautia . and probably faint …..

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