1. Started swimming not so long ago but i cant dive out off all the 40 dives (about 4 dives every day and ive been in for 10 days) ive always bellyflopped and only once have i not but i didnt kick off the board correctly

  2. ok guys I need help. so I do track start, and every time I do a belly flop, and I just can't arch myself so I don't of course do a belly flop which I have mastered to make it hurt a lot. so if anyone can help that would be really appreciated because then my goggles fall off and now I can't swim and am disqualified from my race. thanks guys

  3. Bip tip,when doing a track start both legs need to be lined with the hips and hands also need to be lined with shoulders and head under the hips that is how to do the competitive track start

  4. Can you make a video of how to breathe whilst diving cos that’s my fear. I normally breathe in before diving then breathe out through my nose when I’m water but I panic if I don’t resurface fast enough to breathe in

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