1. Hey dude. I have one Question
    What is this for a "Zip-Hoodie" in second 0:25? pls someone can help me. I want to buy this. It looke likes so cool!! 🙂 Thx in advance ^^

  2. Agree with this, I used to do a lot of cycling, 10-14hrs a week of endurance cardio training but lost no weight at all… I was eating what I was burning. Simple as calories in vs calories out.

  3. Hi guys! y'all seem to be very wise on this topics so I hope you can help me … I am a "skinny fat" vegetarian woman (I've been more tan 10 years into this diet and I have regular blood tests and chek-ups and I don't lack any nutrients+ I take my protein supplements) and I have been doing hiit and cardio for a couple of weeks on a 200 to 400 calorie deficit under my BMR. But I just can't do fasted cardio without feeling like I'm going to pass out. I get all dizzy, I get migraines and my eyes hurt (like if I had high pressure) Is this normal? Am I just that out of shape? Do I just have to get used to it? I'd also like to add that I am not new to fitness and cardio but I had never done it while fasting, and I used to consider myself to be in good shape for cardio, and I don't get my calories from junk food and I try to keep my starchy/bread carbs as low as possible. It's mostly raw vegetables, eggs, dairy, beans and legumes (a lot). I know You Tube is probably not the best place to ask this question but I thought I'd give it a try and I really want to know what's going on with me. PD: This channel is just awesome! Subscribed!

  4. Ok i agree you lose weight or fat on calorie deficit even you dont do any exercise. But you need to build more muscle to improve your metabolism, you also need to do cardio to strengtening your heart and lungs. There is a lot of benefits of doing exercise. Calorie deficit alone will make you weak! Period!

  5. I push myself every day. Burn about 1000 cals every day through running or other cardio. But every day I find the dieting aspect so hard, I'm 5ft 7 66kg, I feel disgustingly fat despite the amount of days I spend running.

  6. Most true and detailed video I have had very successful cuts from caloric deficits without any cardio however added cardio can speed up the whole process or allow you to consume more calories great video

  7. don't understand how walking and running the same distance burns the same amount of calories, you're using slightly more effort when running to get your body off the ground at a higher distance than walking does shouldn't this mean you're burning more calories running?

  8. TL:DR for 10 mins .

    so you need calorie deficit to lose fat
    Cardio is not gonna help you burn fat, Diet is.
    It is gonna increase your calorie gap since you burn calories so you will end up with a calorie deficit.

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