1. Are you in a caloric deficit to continue to pack on muscle? With plenty of protein intake and around 8.8% bf I feel I’m still plateaued with no new muscle being added in the last 6 months

  2. Is time restrictive dieting bad for someone wanting to gain muscle mass yet also lose fat? I was always told to eat regularly for muscle growth, even a protein shake before bed.

  3. That table at 0:40 is telling. I've heard this urban wisdom about 90/90. Apparently, 90% of people who join a gym after the first of a new year quit going after 90 days. Changing a lifestyle is challenging for us mere mortals.

  4. Makes total sense. I want to try this. I just have a doubt about the liquid food – vegetable soup might actually help… Chocolate drink of course not… Especially watching a movie.

  5. You still need to count calories eventually once the fat loss plateaus and you still need to track protein intake to mitigate muscle loss. There really aren't any shortcuts to bodybuilding and these tips should serve only as guidelines for helping reach those caloric goals. You need to track calories/macros. Period.

  6. No ones talking about this and I hope this makes sense… once you gain the amount of muscle and leanness you’re happy with, how do you stay at that state and gain maturity in your muscles? Should you still practice progressive overload to age the muscle and make it look strong dense and mature? Any thoughts on this?

  7. “Reduce or eliminate liquid calories”. As someone who in the past consumed 600+ calories of soda alone daily, I learned the hard way how important this is. Thanks for the tips, Jeff! Great video as always.

  8. Every word you say makes so much sense. I'm basically watching all of your videos, took me so long to find this information I wish i had seen these youtubes earlier. I'm applying your insights to my own journey and I have a coach so it's going well.

  9. Been doing IF with a four hour eating window. My caloric intake is probably pretty close to what it always is. Usually under 50 carbs increased fat and vegetables intake dramatically. Lost 11 lbs in 3 weeks

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