1. Prison diet is based on science to work. However the downside is you will have to commit a crime, the weight will come off quickly plus you will have a new friend watching you at all times to trim that waist.

  2. I'm glad it's not just me I struggle to lose weight because I just don't feel full after fruit and veg and I actually really like them but for my stomach to stop hurting I need bread or pasta.

  3. You spend too much time focusing on your personal beliefs (& in other videos it's all about your political views repeatedly being mentioned). This is totally distracting from the content itself. It also ranks your channel right in with the much hated mainstream media.

  4. I lost 15lbs doing this diet I called "The 4 o'clock diet"

    You eat a big breakfast & lunch, no snacks in between. Then nothing to eat after 4 o'clock. Also, you have to eat at a specific time; but you can still eat almost whatever you want.

    I don't recommend a lot of carbs, tho. What I did was have 1 or 2 slices of bread at breakfast; no bread, rice or pasta at lunch (if I did, it was a small portion vs the portion of veggies & chicken).

    If you do get hungry after 4 or in between meals, I recommend 1 fruit, or a small salad. Something light & quick to digest.

    I also recommend drinking a lot of water or drink only water, as it's going to help you flush out your digestive system. I also recommend a fruit smoothie at breakfast; don't add sugar, but if you must add something, use honey.

    Any drinks like juice, lemonade, soda isn't going to help since it has a lot of sugar.

  5. I think the healthier, most sustainable way is the week 4 approach,rather than sticking to one diet and forcing yourself to stop eating certain foods

  6. 10 pounds is easy man. Try the one meal a day method or intermittent fasting. Cut out sugar and simple carbs and no sugary drinks. Stick to mainly lean meat, veggies and SOME complex carbs but don't overdo it. Also, NO DAIRY. None at all. Dairy is a killer and is really pretty bad for athletic performance. Also do cardio and weight train 4 days a week. Bam. I have lost almost 20 pounds in a month and a half and retained all my muscle mass. It's all about consistancy and dedication. Diets don't work, lifestyle changes do. I have switched to the one meal a day diet (more or less) and will have a protien shake after I workout and at dinner time I eat one big meal with about 1200 calories or so. If I absolutely have to eat later I will have another protien shake. It is a bit rough for about a week but your body gets used to it pretty fast and your cravings go away. I feel amazing now, tons more energy I never feel bloated or uncomfortable and I have notice some serious changes in my physique (getting pretty ripped way faster than I ever have before).

  7. Maybe it's not because we live in a 1 world nation ? Plenty of poor people are fat, reason being is that it's cheaper eating from fast food place than eating healthy. Yeah it's actually cheap to get stuff to make a salad, but u can't have salad every day not to mention plenty of poor people don't have cars so they order pizza alot

  8. lol 10 pounds? I lost 24 in a month eating nothing but 900 calories of protein a day, 75 pounds overall. 10 pounds my first week. 6 months later ive kept it off!

  9. Fruit is sweet, why do you need sugar in a fruit smoothie? Use less sugar each time and you'll get use to it and you can have a healthy smoothie. Also of course only veggies and some fruit will make you weak, it's not enough calories. You need nuts, seeds, legumes, pulses

  10. I tried a tuna, sugerfree yoghurt and uncooked eggs with protein powder smoothies or eggs for a month and lost 22 pounds while barely exercising.. can’t recommend it tho had no energy

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