1. If I really want to lose weight it's a mental issue for me. I can cut the dietary fat and sweat it off, exercise drop the pop and beer for about 2 months. I lost 25 lbs quickly and then another 15 by doing just that. You give great advice on the carbs etc. The water is cheap and the lemon juice or lime juice is a great tasting additive plus nutrients for the distilled water.

  2. A lot of people that have sugar problems have bad choice problems and rarely do any moving. Some may have sugar problems due to genetics and pre disposed. It's all that processed food and pre made that's no good. I recently found out that these companies don't have to put all the ingredients in the label and we are being lied to. I try to stay away from anything white or carbs. If I do eat carbs I eat them with veggies and meat this helps me from eating all the carb. Thanks for sharing

  3. I've been keto for about one and a half years and always appreciate new food suggestions as I sometimes get in a rut as far as variety goes, eating only meat and a small selection of vegetables. I am 75 years old and am amazed at the changes in my body and health just by eliminating sugar, seed oils, wheat and anything that contains soy. I feel 20 years younger mentally and physically. Great video!

  4. I buy a big jug like you have of pork rinds, too. I wanted to mention here for all people watching, that pork rinds are much, much, much better treats for your dogs, than the fake ingredient treats they sell for dogs!! My dog absolutely LOVES pork rinds & it's SO CUTE when she is crunching on them🤣🐕

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