1. You did not defy the laws of biology. You either had a caloric deficit or you ate less per day to get you where you are today. Good job on the weight loss, but science is science.

  2. If you have T2D, it's a good idea to get the weight off as fast as possible. Dr. Jason Fung recommends fasting for T2D. It's very important as fasting combats insulin resistance.

  3. Ketogenicinfo here is a link discussing "The Dangers of Zipfizz…" https://www.livestrong.com/article/500429-the-dangers-of-zipfizz-liquid-shot/
    and some side effects listed from another health web site:
    • Vomiting
    • Insomnia
    • Headaches
    • Nausea

    Also it has Splenda in it — not a healthy substance.
    Lastly, it has caffeine, which many folks don't like — it stresses the adrenals.

    Have you by chance found a good mineral/electrolyte supplement without caffeine and without added chemicals? Plant sourced is best of course for the natural isotopes and optimal absorption.


  4. I did see how you lost a bunch of weight. Wow! Good for you. Its quite an accomplishment. I too lost like 60 lbs but differently, mine on a plant based diet. Ive been slender for 15 years now. Very happy. I walk trails and dont get tired like before. It feels so freeing, so good. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels i have to say.

  5. i had an injury last year couldnt move for 10 month i can but no workout no exercise nothing i went from fit to borderline obese i gained 48 pounds now i can go back to gym but very slowly no heavy lifting moatly cardio and i want to try and lose this weight or as much as i can in 3 month before summer . Any tips or ideas

  6. Very good information 👌🏽 I’m down 75 pounds with keto but hit a plateau… have been doing omad and weight dropping again… also ordered those pills, thanks

  7. Thanks for the video. From what I've learned, and the helpful tips you've provided in your other videos, the information you gave today is not much different than the normal suggested keto diet. Am I missing something?
    BTW: I'm not able to access the electrolyte powder or Carnitine for another few weeks until I get back into the United States, but I look forward to implementing those ASAP. As well, I HATE apple cider vinegar, and that's the only thing you suggested that I'm not doing. Any substitutes, or ideas about how to tolerate the nasty cider taste?

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