1. really good tipps, i knew a lot of them, because i lost a lot of weight as well, but it was really helpfull to refresh These Things and get back on track again, thank you for your work <3

  2. Those are all great tips! I've incorporated several of those throughout the years in my own weight loss journey with a degree of success. Keep going with the videos!!

  3. When you lost weight did you have loose skin, and if so how did you get rid of it? your skin looks so nice and I want to lose weight but I'm scared about the loose skin. Would you consider making a video about it. Btw your videos inspire me a lot looking forward to more content in the future 💜💜

  4. Take care of yourself and try to ignore trolls . 😊 It’s part of being of social media. Take criticism with a smile and learn from others too who wanna share their experience too 😊
    What many don’t realise is that you are also quite young and just being kind sharing your experience.

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