1. Your workouts are so much fun – i really love them! I like to start my day with movement 🙂 Maybe you could do a "quick" morning workout routine – that would be awesome 🙂

  2. Hey guys, recently I've reviewed a program called The 2 Week Diet by weight loss guru called Brian Flatt. In this program, Brian teaches you how to lose 8-16 pounds in just 14 days by turning your body into a fat-burning machine.

    The program has a massive success because it is one of the very few programs that deliver what they promise.

    Also, the program has lots of success stories who lost 20+ pounds in just 14 days. And in my review, I included 2 of these success stories.

    Check out the program review here:


  3. Rebecca! I love your videos and I have been following your workouts for a very long time. Your workout routines have been so helpful! There is just one thing, if you could please please please mention in your videos that how many calories will we burn doing your workout that would help a lot!

    Love from Pakistan xx

  4. Hi Rebecca. I have a knee that has osteoarthritis in it so the flexibility is not really there. Can we have a video that will show some alternatives Thanks. I love your enthusiasm

  5. Hii i really love your workouts ????????
    I really wanna have abs this year (i ve never had them in my entire life like ever) and i wanted to know how many times a week do we have to do abs

  6. Rebecca, I'm a college student and I'm hooked on using your videos as a way to take a break between studying! <3 Thank you for constantly providing such awesome content. I sit way too much and my hamstrings are constantly shortened to where even touching my toes burns. Could you do a beginner hamstring workout? 🙂 Thanks!

  7. Love how you don't wear shoes in most of your videos, I'm starting to work out and don't have shoes right now. Watching other fitness videos and they all wear shoes and that got me thinking that I HAVE to wear a pair just to workout. Thanks for the motivation!

  8. Can you do more tough Pilates legs workouts? I get good abs and legs workouts from you but the legs are lacking for me. I found another person on YouTube who offers tough Pilates leg workouts but I like watching you better. Thanks!

  9. Hi Rebecca! I loved this video! Is okay to do just 1 set or should I do 3 sets? I always confused that how many time I have to work out. I always start with stretch (10 to 20 min) and your video (10 to 15 min) + cool down stretch (5 min). Should I increase more work out?

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