1. Your friend Philip Ghezelbash says caloric restriction is the #1 way to loose weight, period. He is confusing me cus most people know that that type of diet doesn’t work long term as I’m sure we’ve all tried it and failed. I have learned that it’s about the lowering of insulin to allow ur body to burn fat, etc…

  2. Our grandparents and parents taught us to eat no more then max 3 times per day and save all snacking and candy for saturdays (refeed saturdays basically). Where did this wisdom go lost to make people so fat these days…

  3. Hello Siim, could you answer?

    3:03 I have 2 questions : 1 -so this chart means that your metabolic rate becomes the fastest if you eat protein? your metabolic rate is a bit slower on carbs and slowest on lipids, yes?
    2- Do you also feel warmer/hottest on eating protein and then not as much on carbs and least on lipids? Because a lot of people on ketosis mention that they're feeling cold/shivery which could signal that their metabolic rate is very slow and they might be running on stress hormones?


  4. Does it make a difference to synchronize your HGH spike with your workout or your post-workout meal (which of the two would be better if so?)? Also, if it does make a difference, is there a consensus on the most likely amount of time needed to get that spike?

  5. Siim: I'm a 63 yo female and I have to work 10x harder than I did 40 years ago for the same effect. Can you delve into this issue a bit? Sex hormones absent for me. I eat half the calories I did when I was 20 yo but do not lose weight. Perhaps a half a dozen 3-day fasts plus warrior diet. No simple carbs. How's this for a strategy?

  6. Dry fasting 22-23h + OMAD 1-2h + high training frequency is all you need.

    Coffee and tea is terrible. Skip the coffee and all your other addictions. Very few can control their caffeine intake. I've for one have never seen it.

  7. But wait. At the end where you talk about HGH, can that happen on IF at all or just on the longer fasts? Siim, we are at the beginning of a new ice age, possibly only a mini one but it will last several yrs at least. Can you do one on what to prep, store, for the upcoming food shortages? Like an ideal list, never be without these things, tho much will have to be canned foods such as sardines for example. Please? Thx for the info!!

  8. I'd say the you tuber with most knowledge that has worked web put into practise. I function well without coffee just wondering if it's gonna b beneficial or not. What do u think siim?

  9. Do you think it’s safe for women to do 10 day fasts? I’ve gained 7+ kilos because of university coursework stress, graduating in a few weeks. I’ve been doing intermittent fasting since last year, so I’m quite used to fasting. I’m just wondering if it would mess with my hormones too much

  10. You also maintain metabolic rate by eating close to your RMR but at a moderate deficit. Fasting works the same way any other diet does – calories burned are more than calories consumed. The current research I'm most interested in is based on interspersing periods of fasting or calorie deficits with periods of eating at or slightly above maintenance. Shows better long-term results, sustained metabolic rates, and sustained fat loss. I'd love to see you have a conversation with Layne Norton. Some of the info you put out here are misinterpretations of the science and data. For instance, the increase in growth hormone from fasting is not anabolic for muscle, it is related to increase consumption of fat stores for energy. I did lots of fasting for a couple of months and lost 30lbs – but guess what, a lot of it was muscle and when I went back to eating relatively normally, I regained most of the weight and fat. IMO best ways to maintain metabolic rate are eating at maintenance or a sustainable deficit, exercise, and some brief fasts periodically.

    Now, for autophagy, yes extended fasts are clearly key.

  11. I’ve been chilling on my diet for a week now (still eating only whole food and do the omad though). I’m about to go back to the calorie deficit again, and this video helps motivate me a lot man. Appreciate all your work Siim. Keep it up!!!

    BTW I lost around 8-9 kg (around 19lbs) in a month and a half with omad and boxing. Don’t let anyone tell you that fasting is bad or something. It is not. My progress is a proof for that.

  12. I drink about 4 to 6 cups of coffee a day. Way to much I know. 🙁 I just love it and it is awesome pre-work out at 5 am and then a bit after as well. I do take a few days off from drinking it here or there though.

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