1. Los mismos parecen antes sus papás y son ellos mismos la obesidad sube muchos pero muchos años se los felicita xsus logros no cualquiera lo hace son unos verdaderos campeónes .

  2. I love watching your videos, they inspire me SO much! I’m currently starting my weight loss journey at 181, and I want to be at 130 (I’m 5’5). Thanks for the motivation, keep up the good work!

  3. Am I strong enough? I'm not asking you this question, I'm asking myself this. And I'm sure the people in the vid asked the same question. But they found the answer to that question, and if they can than so can I! This was a very motivational video😳

  4. Im new to my journey and these videos do keep me motivated. I've had 2 rough days since I've started July 7th but not wanting to eat just feeling like this is about to be a long one. Thanks for your videos, 11lbs down 99 to go!

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