1. Ima tear some fats up real talk. I’m here to learn a lot I realized that I don’t know much about how this body works and how to kick it into a lean mean body machine. I’ve been gaining hella lot of weight for seems like no reason but I’ve loss weight before I’m pretty active but I do have desk job. I know I didn’t get here Overnight so I’m not going to loose it all over night but it must got so ima learn all that I need to know and try my very best towards reaching the goal weight and body composition

  2. Too bad the science actually shows its most important for women to eat breakfast and lunch instead of lunch and dinner when doing intermittent fasting. Oh and you're not supposed to have coffee or tea either because it's technically a flavour that can cause a spike in blood sugar, which is essentially what you are trying to avoid with the fasting.

  3. I found this way of eating by accident. Due to an early morning assignment, I was unable to eat until late morning or v.early afternoon. That meant no food for abt 3 to 5 hrs after rising. Though, I may drink plain warm water or w fresh squeezed lemon.
    My meal actually was quite similar to her suggestions. I ate a reasonable quantity w or w/o fruit, yogurt, or an occasional light dessert.
    I did not consider myself dieting, only trying to eat a healthy meal. In the eve., I noticed I wasn't
    hungry enough for a full meal, so I would drink a smoothie w something lite. That was it. As it turned out that 2nd feeding was ~ 6-7hrs after the 1st. I later learned this eating pattern had a name, and a following…who knew?
    But, I feel great, my weight is stable at a good weight & it works for me.

  4. Intermittent fasting also helps you build the relationship between you and your restraint. During your 8-hour window of eating, it's easy to over eat because you miss and appreciate the taste.

    All magic in my life needed a dose of restraint. I encourage you reader to get closer to yourself and unlock the magic.

  5. Intermittent fasting absolutely works. If combined with a clean keto diet such as the ones advised by Dr Eric Berg and Thomas Delauer, it becomes very powerful.

  6. 2 Timothy 3: 14-17 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

  7. Rmaol what do you mean when you trained as a nurse a long time ago it was exercise more and eat less??!!! That's still what they tell you!

  8. When I fast, I try to do 24 hour fasts a couple times a week to give my digestive system a rest. I actually get more energy doing this. It works and definitely needed for our bodies to get a rest from food overload.

  9. Old news lady. Good to hear it again and again but just repeating things everyone knows. General public maybe but a super basic assessment and I wanted more from this video

  10. Excellent talk. Essentially a brief summary of Dr. Jason Fung's book "The Obesity Code published in 2016 and several of his talks on YouTube. Surprised no mention or credit was given to Dr. Fung who popularized it in his Diet Management Clinic in Toronto.

  11. I was hesitant to do IF, but once I did, I'm doing good, not hungry, not obsessed anymore. I still love my breakfast foods, but have it much later now (11:30 generally). I'm 63 and losing weight and eating healthy)

  12. I never wanted a diet where I had to restrict myself or count calories. When I heard about the health benefits of IF I decided to give it a try. I've never been overweight but I thought losing a few pounds might make me feel more confident. In 6 months I lost 26 pounds. The weight fell off. Here are my tips: Sleep a lot (8-12 hours if you can), when I wake up I drink tons of water. During my 16 hour fast I drink tons of water, unsweetened green tea, or 0 calorie Perrier or La Croix. Then I do my 1 hour workout during a fasted state. I was only "hungry" the first three days of IF, but now that I've been doing it 6-7 days a week for a year, I am so used to it that I sometimes go 20 hours fasting before I even THINK about food. During my fasting AWAKE state, I keep busy and VERY hydrated. I time my 1 hour workout near the end of my fast, and when I break my fast I eat pretty clean. During my 8 hour feeding interval, I eat pretty clean but I also eat as much as I want. If it's an occasion or I have cravings, I give in to that. I don't count calories or limit myself from having fries or sweets if that's what I want. I was able to lose more than my weight loss goal in 6 months. I have never felt more confident with my body, clear-minded, or energetic in my life. My stomach is much flatter. I also realized that when I wake up, I don't need to eat a 1,000 calorie meal of pancakes, bacon, or eggs (eating a heavy breakfast like that used to make me feel tired and bloated!). I realized that when I wake up, I need to be active and super hydrated. IF is a great lifestyle for me and I recommend it to anyone interested in trying it!

  13. I am a 52-year-old, pre-menopausal woman. I started Intermittent fasting June 1st, and after 8 weeks, I have lost 17 lbs, I sleep great, and I no longer have the desire to mindlessly snack, as I used to. I start my window at 10:00 AM and stop eating at 6:00 PM. Within this period, I eat from 1200-1500 calories of healthy, organic, grass-fed, whole food options. In the evening, I drink lots of tea, and if I get very hungry, I sip on hot, organic bone broth (but only occasionally). Also, I drink A LOT of filtered water throughout the day, and I exercise 3 times a week. This diet has changed the way that I think about food. I highly recommend it!

  14. No coffee or tea. This is plain wrong. The only liquid which is neutral for the body is water. Everything else triggers hormone and enzymes response in the body, hence you are breaking the fast. This is common knowledge. Ask any endocrinology specialist, he'll explain it to you.

  15. Great talk, Cynthia. I understand you worked with Taylor Conroy & Tucker Stein with The Idea Collective in preparing your talk. They helped me with mine. Your talk is an example of a great TEDx talk. Congrats!

  16. I lost 56 pounds (25kg) using this method,I was doing all the things that she said, even before I found this video,she is spot on by what she says but she never mentioned anything about sleep,sleeping is the time that your body repairs and burns calories,i fasted for 5 hours before bed time and weighed myself every morning as soon as I woke up and had gone to the bathroom,and only ate small amounts of nutritional food throughout the day,stopped eating at around 7pm and went to sleep earlier than before,then woke up and weighed myself…it took around 3 & a half months……I weighed 210LBS ( 95KG) I now weigh 154lbs ( Approx 70KG) and I'm at my ideal weight,and I still use this method when I need to

  17. Not good for children, but for adults is ok. Not good for pregnant women, but for "other" adults are good? Somehow the logic is faulty… healthy should be healthy for all ages…

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