1. I'm not good at exercising, I can't tell you how many times I've tried to do "easy beginner" workouts on other channels and given up in the middle cause they're too hard. But I never give up in the middle of your videos cause they're actually fun. Now I can do two of these longer videos in a row without quitting and it's not much but I'm proud of myself for sticking to daily exercise for over 6 months thanks to you. I hope you keep making your videos 💕

  2. That was fun! It felt really natural. (The other day I knew I was getting old when I kept thinking you'd be perfect for my son. Yeah, I know you're married, but still . . .) Looking great!

  3. can't wait to do this workout tomorrow. Looks FUN!! I like to watch the video before I do workout to see what it entails. I did walk and tone in 30 today…I liked it and it was kicking my butt the last 10 minutes but I made it!! Love your videos Gina!

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