1. I would have never thought that I would be able to do one of your 30 minute videos, but here I am drenched drenched in sweat! It feels so good. I have been doing your videos every other day pairing it with strength training workouts and I feel so much stronger now! I can jump rope longer and my core has gotten so much easier! Doing the plank ( not side) felt like a rest period though I made sure to keep my core engaged. I know I will feel this tomorrow ><

  2. Did this one this morning.. Good workout.. I took a couple days off last week cause of a pain on front left below my knee .. It seemed to help.. I'm back at the thing , but am limiting the single leg stuff… Still have the pain and a lot of stiff aches, but seems to not to be worse.. Gotta make sure to stretch,roll,etc… I did a lot of jump roping years ago in my 20s… 40 years ago….haha……Do the Thing !

  3. I just did it today and a very good workout as usual.
    For having a little bit more intensity, I propose to do dynamic plank as lifting one leg each times or knee to shoulder in plank position and legs up on the side plank.
    Keep going 🙂 🙂

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