1. First off let me just say I love cauliflower and I’ve made it in so many different ways. But I haven’t seen a video that talks about the 11g of sugar a head has!? So, if you’re on keto how is cauliflower ok to eat? Someone please help!

  2. Tell me how much grams of broccoli I can eat. I'm stupid and dont wan't to frequently do a 3rd grade mathematical word problem everytime I want to eat. Strictly broccoli how much grams?

  3. The "Best of the Best" list:

    1. Broccoli
    2. Asparagus
    3. Mushrooms
    4. Zucchini
    5. Spinach
    6. Avacado
    7. Cauliflower
    8. Bell Peppers
    9. Green Beans
    10. Lettuce
    11. Kale

    Honorable mentions in small amounts (medium carb veggies):
    1. Most all greens and cruciferous : Collards, Mustard, Bok Choy, Swiss Chard, Arugula, Cabbage, Broccoli Rabe, Brussel Sprouts,
    2. Olives
    3. Radishes
    4. Jalapeños
    5. Tomatoes
    6. Eggplant
    7. Artichoke Hearts

    NOTE: I personally thought celery and some types of squash and maybe cucumber should have been on the list somewhere as viable options.

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