1. Dos santos I (F+0.1): amazing landing
    Double tuck and double twist (D): messy landing
    Glad she took out the 3.5, I think she can make a whip into the double arabian so she keeps the D
    Then for the third pass a triple twist or a full in and end with a double twist or double tuck
    She turned the double arabian into a dance, muh baby is now an experienced gymnast!

  2. So close to a solid floor besides the last tumble. I think it was a good decision to change up the tumbling, though! Should be a double arabian+punch front and then the 2.5+layout.
    Leanne still has a chance to fill in for the last UB/VT placement that is open given Simone, Sunisa, Kara, and Jade on the team!

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