1. You told them. This advice is 10 years in the making. You already done tried it, been through it, tested it and seen the results. They had better listen to this! The info you are dropping in this video is great. I have just subscribed to your channel. I am subscriber number 130. Anyway, I just want to show support and love to your channel. I figure if regular, black, everyday, real Youtubers like myself don't do it. Then who will? I say, let's all stick together. Support each other and prosper together right? Keep on keeping on. And I have subscribed to your channel. Appreciate if you return the love. Btw…. I am a guy. The female I have on my thumbnail is of a model I shot back in the day. I shoot models, shoot music videos, write music, rap, ghost write for people and produce and stuff. I go by Poz B.

  2. Thanks for the info. I'm a take baby steps to stop with the carbs and sugar (addicted to pop) and start the intermittent fasting/ketosis. I've just been diagnosed with diabetes and I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I just recently started taking vitamin D3 (along with magnesium and K2 mk7) and have dropped a few pounds off that.

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