1. Hi my beautiful sista, u should combine all of your weight loss recipes and detox n a little book. I would by it.. That’s what I do.. I write all your weight loss and detox tea down.. Just a suggestion .. ❤️🇯🇲

  2. I'm not trying to judge this lady at all I don't know her I just have to ask what proof does she has that this works ?????
    who told her that this works?? Any test subjects? Has she tried it her self ? where are the results videos or photos??? I see multiple videos she made just like this one. NO proof of the results of scientific studies .. no health support… nothing.. what proof does she have that this works. Home made videos.. WHY SHOULD ANY ONE TRY IT.. WHY????

  3. Omgggggg Velvet I'm so glad I've found your page! I've had enough on my weightloss journey with feeling like there's a stall in dropping this weight. I will rid 60lbs within 4 months! I got this 💪 to anyone on their journey you can reach your goals as well!!

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