1. Thank you Keto Amp. I have found your site and the youtube posts really informative. I was diagnosed with insulin resistance and had struggled to locate much helpful info. Beginning Keto and watching your posts has been a life saver. I now have a copy of Dr Cole's book The Inflammation Spectrum and into the second week of the 8 week elimination diet. Next challenge is to start fasting and build that up to 3 days. Thank you again.

  2. Very educational ! Thank you Meghan and Ben ! I am hooked on this lifestyle….I have been only eating one good meal every 24 hours and I can say I am not hungry or craving anything in between . I hope I am doing this Keto / intermittent Fasting right ….

  3. I've had an irregular heartbeat for 20+ years that has progressively gotten more frequent over the years UNTIL I started drinking my electrolyte solution with 1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp No Salt (KCL= Potassium Chloride), and 1 tblsp. ACV in a quart of water twice a day. Because of the potassium, my irregular HB stopped within 2 days. I love it.

  4. After I completed a 20 day fast I miss the energy I was getting. I noticed many differences once I started eating again so I've decided to fast again and keep a schedule. I'm learning as I go. I love stories like these when people stop listening to other people and start listening to their own bodies and they can properly heal instead of temporarily cure symptoms. 🧘‍♀️❤

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