1. I loved the run. You give the switch axe the elegance that it deserves. I loved the mount with the crystalburst, but sadly the finisher ended as soon as your amped state did, so you had to build up your amped state on the ground. I noticed that the boulders weren't in your favor, but you gave this weapon justice.
    One question though. The build seems pretty unique, and I do love new builds. But from experience, what made agitator and evade window take the cake instead of skills like peak performance and crit boost? Is it because of the <50 HZV of nergi's head? Can't nergi's attacks be evaded by the side hop?

  2. Sweet, maybe this will encourage me to break 16 min. Also made me face the reality of evade window for Swax like in past games harder difficulties. I think I got too used to brute forcing things in this game. I hope my next AT nergi hunts are even half as clean as this.

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