1. You make awesome videos. I have subscribed to the channel. Keep up the good work. Kindly subscribe to my channel as well. I make blogs and many different videos.

  2. hi mieka another great video you did a great job thumbs up and sorry to hear about your car doin't worry or stress everything will be alright just keep the faith and hope its better soon thanks for sharing this I really enjoyed it peace

  3. Knowing better is not enough to do better, you have to do better to do better. And you have to practice doing better to do better more often and more easily. That has been my struggle anyway, I also listen to a lot of motivational stuff🤪💖🔥🌹

  4. You look good and you sound great. Keep up the good work! I like how you're trying different forms of fasting. All too often we get too rigid on the best way. That might vary from person to person or even at different times in the same person.

    Way to go!

  5. I agree with you. You're moving at a fast enough rate. Just imagine if you had been doing this all along how much further along you would be!!! It's mind-blowing to even think about!!! Plus you get to have the variety you want with the meal/meals you have on your eating day. Another nice thing about ADF is that you can have more than one meal if you are hungry, and it doesn't stop your weight loss, at least for me it doesn't. Sometimes I just can't eat my whole plate of food and I'll wait an hour or two then finish it up.

  6. People thought I was crazy for buying a new car when I got divorced because my old one was paid for but I knew that I’d have to rely on myself, sold the car to a friend of a friend and she said that it started acting up on her with in a few months 🤷🏽‍♀️. You pay either way so do what’s best for you Sis!! Love ya🌞💋💋

  7. You look great, really! I think I need to tell you that because it is true and sometimes we do not hear enough nice things. I heard on the radio the other evening, last week, that with the big rise in social media, people are not as good at giving out compliments as they used to be. In a poll that was done, it said that people used to get told something nice about 25 times a week, and now a days that number is around 8! – so, in general, people are just not as generous as they used to be with saying nice things to other people. I'm not saying people went through a transition, but it's the new people or new generation that are not as compelled to give compliments or use words to say "good job" or "you made a great decision" etc etc — not sure why I had to go on a preach session there, all I wanted to say is you look great today!! 💃

  8. It is so nice to be able to overcome hurdles, like your car problems…. yes, it's a crummy situation, but you were smart enough to come up with a solution, and even though it costs a lot sometimes, it still feels good to be able to create a solution. Also, I want to say I hope something good happens with your transportation so that you do not have to spend excessive money to get back n forth.

  9. My brand new car wouldn't start Thursday after my son teen quest graduation. The carlot was going to charge me to fix and tow so I had it tow with my road side assistant to a shop I trust. Turns out I need a new fuel pump. $456 out my pocket. I had to used my son Birthday money, drivers ed money, and kids school clothes money to get it fix. Plus I want get it back until tomorrow but ai still thank God I had the money and I have another car. I just have to work some extra hours now to replace that money

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