1. Shamar baby nipsey husstle monster kodak max Charlie Willie rubin Carter og Simpson Allen Iverson beamon 109 grapestreet crip bergen st lyons ave crestlane Crenshaw dela bandana boyz owww east to west

  2. I just listened to the recorded phone convo between Pac & Monster. Monster was telling Pac he got some lyrics & Pac told him to come out to the studio, that monster could be any song off his All Eyez On Me album…
    But damn, how fucking dope that shit would have been now that I heard him rap. Monster exceeded my expectations rapping, that shit was dope!

  3. Monster Kody's book is one the best written first-person accounts of life in the trenches of urban warfare ever produced. It parallels stories from WWII and Vietnam only his is told from the streets of South Central LA which makes it even more incredible.

  4. that's Houdini's beat monster not pac's but tight though the O'G is spitting fire but it's easy for him because everything that's coming out of his mouth he lived no doubt!

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