1. I did the 21 day diastasis recti with 37 inch tummy, now my tummy is 35 3/4 inch. Thank you for sharing the workout and I will continue doing the abs and love handle workout that is diastasis recti safe.

  2. its been 5 months i am still having postpartum edema kindly suggest me what to do? for sure i am not having DR but still my tummy looks like 3 4 months pregnancy and my lower body is also quite swelled till now kindly help me out and let me know diet i must have and how much water should i intake???? please do reply

  3. I didnt know I had DR. No one told me. I noticed something is wrong and my tummy muscles are seperated. But I have been doing the wrong excersizes for two years! Thanks for the video, i hope it is not too late to fix this.

  4. Hi! how many times per week you recommend we should work out with these routines? my youngest son´s already 3 years old and Im used to working out regularly, hope to get an answer! thanks fot this awesome videos 🙂

  5. This is great. I'm on baby number 4 as well. My fourth is now 4 months old. I'm frustrated that I'm losing weight everywhere but my stomach. I'm a small person too at 109lbs. I only have issues on my belly. Do I do these exercises daily?

  6. I’m 55 years old, and I see a difference since doing these exercises. I can’t thank you enough for making these videos with your wife. Before you, I had to take 1 exercise from a video here & there, then try to remember them. I gave up & just worked on cardio to lower my BP. After being able to tone everything but my tummy, I found your videos. Game changer!!! I’m on Day 5 of a liver cleanse, so I’ve been eating, “drinking my meals”. The bounty of fresh, raw greens, organic oats, Garden of Life protein powder, flax seeds, and a little fruit have been helped my navel area to decrease from 36” to 34” in a week. When I do your exercises, I feel it deep in my abs. I love that burn. It lets me know that I’m healing the area of my body that no one has addressed well with the right series of exercises. I’m a 55 year old woman who had my children at 37 & 39 years old. I want my sexy body back. With you & your wife, that WILL happen. You have renewed my hope. I really can’t express my gratitude enough.

  7. I had DR 3 finger gap above belly button n 2 finger gap below. M 6 months postpartum n practicing kegels, bridges etc for last 3 months n the lower gap got closed. But the upper one is still open, n fr the last 2 weeks I missed these exercises n now I feel like my upper belly got bigger thn it was 2 weeks bck.
    Could u pls suggest me some exercises tht ill close the gap above belly button.
    My mom had the same issue after her 2nd csection n later, after 18 yrs she caught up wit incisional hernia n had tummy tucker surgery.She s struggling a lot now ☹️ So I m very much worried bot ths n wanted to close the gap wit exercises. Pls help me 🙏

  8. I'm currently in my 3rd pregnancy. Before this pregnancy I successfully lost 50 pounds, and in losing that weight I had begun to notice that I was possibly suffering from diastasis recti. That is my biggest concern and focus for healing now post partum with this pregnancy. Thank you for your advice!

  9. What if you can't lay flat on your back due to medical reasons? I have to be propped up on a few pillows to safely lay on my back. It seems that leaves me in a semicrunh position, which would worsen DR. Maybe that's how I got it. I am bedbound. I'd like to do some of these exercises. My mid upper abs are the worst. I have not had a pregnancy, I believe it's due to being bedridden.

  10. Hello! Should we alternate days when we do these exercises? I have heard it is important to break up the days between abdominal workouts. It has been nearly 3 years since my second child came into this world, but he was my second by way of cesarean section. I also did not work out before my first child nor afterward for fear of tearing the sutures and making the DR worse. Thanks for your guidance!

  11. Love that I have stumbled upon your videos. Started with upper back fix on a foam roller (wonderful, amazing results!) and now working through the DR workouts. I have struggled with DR after having back to back pregnancies and core strength issues, using different DR exercises over the years. For a time post prego I had a drop to the knee (right side) shooting pain. Oddly now I can activate my right side core muscles (obliques and TA) but not really my left side as strong or at all. Also just had an issue with my left foot and hip flexor. Should I focus higher reps on my left side? Is this a normal occurrence?

  12. It's a horrible hard skill get time and strength to do it without help with ur baby. Also without to sleep. Respect for all the women who got it. My entire respect.

  13. Finding ur channel is like finding a treasure…I am happy..thank you
    I have 4 fingers wide gap…I look 7 months pregnant even though I am not fat ..I really so sad and frustrated ..do you think there is any hope to close at least half of the gap?

  14. I'm from India I have given birth for second baby after 9 years can I loose my belly fat, now he of 4 months old please suggest me and can I do cardio exercise.

  15. I am actually almost 2 years postpartum and although I lost all the weight within months, I ended up gaining it back and my stomach is a clear mommy pooch. I had a c-section so I feel it just looks worse. Is diastasis recti possible even though 2 years have passed? I know for sure I feel a separation when I check for it.

  16. Hi Jared, my wife has had four children, and now has a big tummy that comes forward like during pregnancy. She has a gap of about 1.5 fingers. She has been doing these exercises for 3.5 months and not seeing progress in the appearance of her tummy. She carefully follows rules of core engagement (sucking tummy in). Why is her tummy not becoming flatter? She is very worried about it. I appreciate your help and thank you in advance!

  17. I am loosing my weight after 8 years of delivery. I lost 9 kg in one year..Now i am satisfied with my weight but still, there is my belly….😟 What to Do..please guide me.

    I have problem of Harmons imbalance…Is that bcoz of this??? My belly 😟

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