1. Love the way you did this video! Short, sweet, and to the point! Don’t get me wrong … I love your long videos too!
    Love the workout! Going to do it tomorrow morning at the gym, minus the ab workout lol. I’m just a beginner at the moment!

  2. Filming the gum like that was really helpful, but I also like when you talk to the camera during videos too like in the rest of the videos 🙂 this was really good 🙂

  3. Only just catching up on my watching… but loved this!! Love your usual casual fun style, but the voice over explaining the gym segment was spot on!! So helpful with a guide to form, reps and sets!! Lots of love xx

  4. This was an amazing video! I loved the vibe and the love you put on talking about you, as a human being, and not only as a "fitness girl". I only have one question, what time do you wake up in the morning?? Thank you!

  5. I love these gym workout videos! I feel they are a quick go guide when your at the gym. I like vet all of your videos but love this new style, especially as I follow your workout guides 👍🏼😘xx

  6. Thanks for the jj series Meggan! xxx I loved this video, different but I really liked it. It is summer here is Australia so despite the lovely weather January can feel quire overwhelming because of the whole year ahead-thanks for making it easier xxx

  7. Hi megg, yunno those really nice new nike runners u got and they are like white blue and orange I think I absolutely adore them but I look online and couldn’t find them? Where did u get yours? Xo

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