1. Apart from all this evil assholes beneath me talking shit behind there misarable cellphone's 💩💩💩👺☠️☠️☠️👇👇👇 I love girl's you guys me me laugh so hard make me forget about my problems thank you I appreciate you there's still good people out in the world who don't put people down💯💯💯

  2. So I just watched the Show on Hulu. And after watching it and seeing some of the other 600 lb shows Tammy is the laziest person I've ever seen there are people heavier than her that walk more than her and take steps and get up and feed and cook for themselves. She's selfish, plays the victim role too much has to many pity parties for herself.
    I heard her say on the show and I quote. It's because of amy that I can't do things. And then when they talked about her moving out she said she should be involved in the decision. She said " I'll move out when I'm ready to move out. Not When they tell me to." Well, it's not her house She doesn't pay the bills.. She's a guest in their home. They allow her to live there of the kindness of their hearts. She needs them to be her slaves wait on her hand over foot, because she is lazy don't want to do anything for herself. But treats her sister like shit ,doesn't appreciate anything anyone does for her.Then Tammy blames Amy for her failure, lack of weight loss at her first checkin. Amy needs to be more helpful, like she wont bring me a drink when I ask her too. WTF FOR REAL .. Wow poor Amy she gets on tammy alot for her not being active helps her so much. Tammy needs a reality check shes absolutely delusional…she's wasn't even trying.
    Amy trying to take care of herself lose weight herself. Can't do Tammy's program for her.

  3. This is absolutely disgusting. These women are sooooooooo morbidly obese that the fat on their body has distorted their pronunciation of many words as well as their foreheads🤦‍♀️. These women are indeeeed a lost cause. Watch out Amberlynn Ried these women might take the spot light🙊😅😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  4. Listen, you don’t have to stick to salad’s and healthy food to lose weight, you can still eat McDonald’s. I was a gym instructor for 4 years and here’s some advice: It doesn’t matter what you eat, it matters how much you eat. If you eat 5 salads, that’s equivalent to eating a burger from McDonald’s. For breakfast just have a glass of juice or a bowl of healthy cereal, then for lunch you can have your McDonald’s or whatever but the thing is don’t order a meal just order a burger on it’s own with a bottle of water. Then in the afternoon you might feel a little peckish for a snack so cut yourself some apple pieces and eat that then for dinner you might have tuna and rice. The most important thing is to not snack! Drink plenty of water and do a little bit of exercise. Here’s a saying: lose more calories then you’re eating.

  5. I think Tammy should be happy for Amy and quit being a baby!
    It is her own Fault she didn't lose the weight she needed too.
    Tammy is so ignorant to Amy. She should be grateful for Amys help!

  6. Amy you are the best big sister you are so strong beautiful and always encouraging tammy.Keep up the good work and yes Tammy needs to do more for herself.She can do it amd don't let her keep talking to you ugly.smack her if you have too sense she wants to be childish!ROOTING FOR YOU AMY!!!

  7. Amy and Tammy, You two CAN accomplish your weight loss. I love your strong personalities and that you can help each other. Don't give up. Stay strong.

  8. Dear Tammy and Amy I just wanted to say I started to watch your show on TLC and I want you to know that I'm 25 yrs old and considered obese for my age and height I recently start walking around the park with my son using him to exercise with and since I started my weightloss journey I have lost 20lbs in almost 3 months it's slow but steady! Yall just gotta keep it up! I started by switching my sodas to ginger ale and only have 1 a day water the rest I cut out bread and decreased my meat and cheese intake switched to chicken and turkey meat. Those are some ways that helped me. I hope this will inspire yall to get a jump start on doing what yall need to do in order to get the weight loss I hope to see yall ome day wondering the park without having trouble breathing or having to stop to rest I'm a full supporter on you guys keep up the good work!!

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