1. I've been doing this work out for 2 months already and I must say I'm really amazed with the result. Everyone's been mentioning how my butt has become round and lifted, and when I wear leggings it really shows. Boosted up my confidence so much. Thank you for this video! The pain is really worth it! ❤❤

    P.S it hurts like hell so you need to take a break in betweens. And you also need 1-2 days rest per week. This works for me.

  2. This is one hell of a burning-ass workout. The first time I tried this I couldn't make it to half of it but no worry my butt is so flat that the pain wouldn't stop me from doing this. The result is coming so fast! I only did this workout 5 times given a one day break between cause my quads were on fire and I've grown 0.4 cm of glutes. Worth the pain, keep doing it!

  3. I've been doing this workout for 6 weeks, with weights, and have seen results! It's a great workout, not too long, but very challenging…those jump squats though! The definition in my legs and rear is apparent. I started out using 6 lb. weights and recently increased to 8 lb.

  4. Another awesome FB workout – thanks Kelli! (Love ya a little less during those sneaky pulses 😓😉 but so worth it – the results speak volumes!)

  5. 1st Workout Completed : 18th June 3 29 pm ✔️✔️✔️✔️
    2nd Workout Completed : 24th June 4 33 pm✔️✔️✔️(Last time I was sore for 2 days)
    3rd Workout Completed : 2nd July 5 04 pm ✔️✔️✔️
    4th Workout Completed : 13th July 6 00 pm ✔️ ✔️ ✔️

  6. Just love your routines. In this workout when you do the bridge you are lifting onto your shoulders which takes the effort off your butt and thighs, if you keep your upper back on the floor and pelvic tilt up and down you will get more of a leg workout. It is a much smaller movement but much more effective.

  7. this video is the only reason i have a butt tbh.

    [and i also lost like 20 pounds since starting to work out with kelly lmao]

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