1. Hi sir many of suffering for Gastric prblms Or indigestive prblms Or eating junk good or when we ate outside food gets food poisoning so plz make a video about any of these prblms sir plz suggest best remedies sir

  2. My best video on whole YouTube that I have watched till date. Getting body pains now for me by just watching your workouts.
    You are just solving basic queries which are a bit shy to ask. Thanks A lot . Love from Hyderabad

  3. this guy has done a lot for general ppl who has not enough penny & tym to consult with experts for daily activities. I show respect to your efforts that is extremely awesome.

  4. It looked very simple when yesterday I saw it..
    But when today I did it.. I'm full of sweat now.. Really.. It takes a certian level of fitness to do even something simple as that.
    Indeed no doubt why you are a ""FIT"" tuber!!!! 😊

  5. Dear Vivek…you are just an awesome human being..you have inspired persons like us to be fit…

    Thanks a lot for all your efforts….keep going..& inspiring millions…

  6. As I am a beginner into the workout regime…just wanted to ask your recommendation about gym being good or areobics?? also if we workout at home..will it really strengthen and tone our body without gym equipments? really really hope you would revert..

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